C describe the three conditions that are generally present when fraud occurs, including the risk factors related to these conditions; Flashcards
Describe the 3 conditions that are generally present when fraud occurs, including the risk factors related to these conditions
The ‘Fraud Triangle’ consists of
Incentives and pressures - the motive to commit fraud
Opportunities - the firm has a weak internal control system
Attitudes and Rationalizations - the mindset that fraud is justified.
Incentives and Pressures
Threats to financial stability or profitability as a result of econ, industry, or firm conditions
Excessive third party pressures on management
Personal net worth of management or the BOD is threatened
Excessive pressure on Management or operating personnel to meet internal financial goals
Opportunities for Fraud
- The nature of the firms industry or operations
- ineffective management monitoring (corp gov issue)
- A complex or unstable organization structure (corp gov issue)
- Deficient internal controls (corp gov issue)
Attitudes and Rationaliations
Inappropriate ethical standards
Excessive participation by non-financial management in the selection of acct. standards
violations of laws and regs by mgmt, board members
Obsession w/ maintaining or increasing the firms stock price or earnings trend
Making commitments to 3rd parties to achieve aggressive results
Failing to correct known reportable conditions in a timely manner
Inappropriately minimizing earnings for tax purposes
Managements continued use of meteriality as a bsis to justify inappropriate or quetionable accounting methods.
A strainted relationship between managment and the current or previous auditor as evidenced by blah blah blah blah blah