C cycling Flashcards
Biogeochemical Cycling
production and degradation of biomass, all biomass elements have similar proportion, done through changes in oxidization state
Carbon cycle (land)
-land: major site of O2 fixation, soil humus (bulk of land C), v. slowly biodegraded
Carbon cycle (atmospheric)
rapidly cycling
Carbon cycle (oceans/other waters)
site of CO2 fixation, organic matter decomposition, less influence than land resevoir
Carbon cycle (sediments/rock)
largest resevoir of C (99.5%), extremely long turnover time
CO2 fixation
mostly through photosynthesis and little through chemosynthesis
-primary production:
1)oxygenic photosynthesis: higher plants, eukaryotic microalgae, cyanobacteria
CO2 + H2O [CH2O] + O2
2)anoxygenic photosynthesis: e.g., purple sulphur, green sulphur bacteria
CO2 + H2S [CH2O] + S
occurs in dark and light by organotrophs, phototrophs, lithotrophs
[CH2O] + O2 -> CO2 + H2O
-decomposition of organic matter: catabolic, energy yeilding rxns carried out by organotrophs
-photosynthetically fixed C is eventually remineralized to CO2, CH4
-photosynthesis over respiration rate = net biomass production
specialize in 1C metabolism (CH4->CO2+cells)
- methane monooxygenase catalyzes methane to methanol
- often microaerophilic
Aerobic methanotrophs
live where the gradients of oxygen and methane overlap - the oxic/anoxic interface
Anoxic decomposition
1) hydrolysis of polymers
2) primary fermentations
3) secondary fermentaitons, H2 producing, fatty acid-oxidizing syntrophs)
4) H2 consumption by methanogenesis and acetogenesis
- substrates come from sugars, amino acids, FA fermentation
- provides substrate for methanogens and homoacetogens - maintains low H2 levels
- is interspecies H2 transfer (from syntroph to methanogen), produce H2, then use H2
Examples of anoxic conversion reactions
1) fermentation
2) syntrophic rxns, interspecies H2 transfer
3) acetotrophic methanogenesis
4) acetogenesis from H2,CO2
Rumen: Methanogenic Ecosystem
Ruminants eat plant material but rely on methanogens to proceses the fatty acids and be absorbed into the bloodstream for oxidation
methane budget
methane is 30x more potent than CO2 (more abundant in atmosphere)