C 152 C172 Emergency Checklist Flashcards
What is the Check-list in the event of an Electrical Fire ?
1 Master switch\_\_\_\_OFF 2 Electricals\_\_\_\_\_OFF 3 Vents/ cabin heat and air\_\_\_\_\_\_OFF 4 Extinguisher\_\_\_\_Activate ( then ventilate the cabin ) 5 If electrical power is necessary for continuance of flight -Master----ON -Fuses/Breakers-------Check -Radio electrical switches_On at a time
6 Vents/Cabin air open when fire is extinguished
What is the Check-list in the event of a Cabin Fire ?
1 Master____Off
2 Vents / cabin air & heat______Closed
3 Extinguisher____Activate ( then ventilate the cabin )
4 Land the airplane as soon as possible to inspect
What is the Check-list in the event of an Emergency Landing ?
1 Speed\_\_\_\_\_\_ 60 KIAS ( 65 KIAS C-172 ) 2 Mixture\_\_\_\_\_\_Idle cut off ( full lean ) 3 Fuel selector\_\_\_\_\_Off 4 Magnetos\_\_\_\_\_Off 5 Flaps\_\_\_\_\_As required ( 40 degrees ) 6 Master\_\_\_\_\_Off 7 Doors\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Unlatch prior to touchdown 8 Touchdown\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Slightly tail low 9 Brakes\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Apply heavily
What is the Check-list in the event of a wing fire ?
1 Navigation lights________Off
2 Strobe lights_____Off
3 Pitot heat_______Off
4 Perform a side slip to keep the flames away the fuel tank
What is the Check-list in the event of a Precautionary Landing ?
1 Speed\_\_\_\_\_\_ 60 KIAS ( 65 KIAS C-172 ) 2 Flaps\_\_\_\_\_20 degrees 3 Selected field\_\_\_\_\_Fly over Noting terrain and obstructions Retract flaps upon reaching a safe altitude and airspeed
4 Radio and Electrical Switches\_\_\_\_\_Off 5 Flaps\_\_\_\_\_\_40 degrees on final 6 Speed\_\_\_\_55 KIAS ( 60 KIAS C-172) 7 Master\_\_\_\_\_Off 8 Doors\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Unlatch prior to touchdown 9 Touchdown\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Slightly tail low 10 Magnetos\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Off 11 Brakes\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Apply heavily
What is the Check-list in the event of a Ditching ?
1 Radio______ MAYDAY on 121.5
2 Objects_____Secured
3 Approach, High winds / Heavy seas
Into the winds
Light winds / Heavy swells
Parallel to swells
4 Flaps______40 degrees
5 Throttle_______300 feet/min at 55 KIAS
6 Doors____Unlatch
7 Touchdown_____Level attitude at 300 feet/min descent
8 Face_______Cushion at touchdown with folded coat
9 Airplane_______Evacuate through cabin doors. If necessary, open window and flood cabin to equalize pressure
10 Life vests and raft________Inflate
What is the Check-list in case of a Landing with a Flat Tire ?
1 Wing flaps—-as required
2 Approach——Normal
3 Touchdown——Good Tire First, hold airplane off flat tire as long as possible with aileron control
What is the Check-list in case of a Landing without Elevator control ?
1 Trim for horizontal flight
2 Adjust throttle and trim ( C150 / 152 55 KIAS, Flaps 20°, C172 60 KIAS, Flaps 20° )
3 Then do not change elevator trim, use throttle to adjust glide
At flare :
1 Trim——–set control full nose up
2 Throttle—–adjust
3 Throttle——close at touchdown
What to do with Electrical emergencies ?
Over-voltage light : 1 Master--------Off ( Both sides ) 2 Master--------On 3 Over-voltage light--------Off If over voltage light illuminates again land asap
Ammeter Discharge :
1 Alternator——-Off
2 Non-essential electricals——-Off
3 Land asap
What to do during an emergency descent through clouds ?
1 Mixture—-Full rich
2 Carb. Heat——On
3 Rate of Descent—–Set 500 to 800 FPM
4 Trim——-Descent ( C150/152 70 KIAS ; C172 80 KIAS )
5 Monitor turn coordinator, steer with rudder only
6 Upon breaking out of the cloud——–Resume normal cruise
How to recover from a spiral dive ?
Close throttle,
Yoke turned in the opposite side of the turn
Ease out the dive
Carb heat on
What to do if there is a malfunction of the magneto ?
In the event of a suddent roughness or misfiring :
1 ____Identify left or right magneto malfunction
Try operate on both magnetos
2 ____Select different power settings
3 Mixture________rich
If problem continues switch to good magneto and land asap.
What to do in the event of a low oil pressure ?
Low oil pressure with normal temperature ——Monitor
Low oil pressure with rise in oil temperature -> engine failure immient
1 Reduce throttle
2 Use minimum power to reach touchdown
What to do in the case of a fire during start on ground ?
1 Cranking_______Continue to get a start and burn accumulated fuel
2 If engine starts :
- Throttle_____1700 RPM for a few minutes
- Engine shutdown and inspect for damages
3 If engine fails to start :
Continue in an effort to obtain a start and get the extinguisher
4 Secure the engine :
- Master______Off
- Magnetos____Off
- Fuel selector____Off
5 Use extinguisher and wool blanket
6 Inspect damages
What is the Check-list in case of an engine fire in flight ?
1 Mixture\_\_\_\_\_\_Idle cut off 2 Fuel selector\_\_\_\_\_\_Off 3 Master\_\_\_\_Off 4 Cabin heat and air\_\_\_\_\_\_Off 5 Speed\_\_\_85 KIAS ( 100 KIAS C172) 6 Execute a forced landing
What to do in a case of an engine failure during take-off run ?
1 Throttle\_\_\_\_\_\_Idle 2 Brakes\_\_\_\_\_\_Applied 3 Flaps\_\_\_\_Up 4 Mixture\_\_\_\_\_\_Idle Cut-Off 5 Magnetos\_\_\_Off 6 Advise ATC if time permits 7 Master\_\_\_\_Off 8 Evacuate Rearward passengers
What to do in case of an engine failure after take-off ?
1 Speed\_\_\_60 KIAS ( 65 KIAS C172) 2 Mixture\_\_\_\_\_\_Idle Cut-Off 3 Fuel selector\_\_\_\_Off 4 Magnetos\_\_\_\_\_\_Off 5 Flaps\_\_\_As required 6 Advise ATC if time permits 7 Master\_\_\_\_\_\_Off
What to do in case of an engine failure during flight ?
1 Speed\_\_\_60 KIAS ( 65 KIAS C172) 2 Carb heat\_\_\_\_\_\_\_On 3 Primer\_\_\_\_\_Locked 4 Fuel selector\_\_\_\_On 5 Mixture\_\_\_\_\_\_Rich 6 Magnetos\_\_\_\_\_\_Both or Start
How to recover from a spin ?
1 (Retract Flaps if extended)
2 Power to idle, neutralize ailerons ,apply and hold full opposite rudder.
3 when rotation stops move control column positively forward to break the stall.
4 Centralize rudder and level wings.
5 Apply power as necessary to return to normal flight.