C-12 IPC Flashcards
Airport diagram available, discuss taxi plan and clearance. Clear the area and begin to taxi, check brakes both sides. Maintain safe taxi speed using power, beta, and brakes - careful not to drag the brakes Check INSTRUMENTS to verify proper operation. If needed, apply aileron for wind. Complete taxi checks per checklist once safely clear of buildings and other aircraft.
MOI for Normal Takeoff:
Departure Brief Complete. Complete lineup checklist while taxiing into position, verify runway with instruments, and hold on the brakes. Adjust to max power available then back off approx 5%, announce “Set Power” “Power Set” and smoothly release brakes. Maintain heading with pedals, centerline between the mains. Verify AUTOFEATHER Lights. Monitor airspeed, torque, and engine instruments. Call “60” at 60 kts(UFC SOP - means normal & matches CASA), next call “V1” and “Rotate”. P* will move hand from power levers to yoke, smoothly apply back pressure and lift the aircraft off at 10 NOT TO EXCEED 15 DEG. Upon observing two positive indications of a climb, state “POSITIVE RATE” and “GEAR UP(now Left Seat)”, turn landing/taxi lights off. Passing VYSE call for “FLAPS UP” or “CHECK FLAPS UP”. At 400’ AGL, state “SET CLIMB POWER, MY POWER, AFTER TAKEOFF CHECKLIST”, adjust torque and props to 1900, turn prop sync on. Adjust/maintain 160 kts or climb schedule speed.
Explain the acronym “APPLY”
A = Autofeather ARMED, P = Prop Sync OFF, P = Props 1900 or 2000 depending on maneuver, L = Loose People and Equipment Secured, Y = Yaw Damp Disengaged.
Explain the three “P”s
P = PURPOSE (why we do the maneuver), P = PARAMETERS (standards), and P = PICTURE (what it should look like)
Why practice Steep Turns?
Practicing steep turns shows us pitch and power coordination as we put a load on the aircraft which also allows us to see and compensate for over-banking tendency.
What is the “over-banking tendency” ?
Over-banking happens as the angle of bank increases past 45 deg, a significant difference develops between the speed of the wings on the inside and outside of the turn. The outer wing travels faster creating slightly more lift than the inner wing, making the plane continue rolling into the turn even after the controls are neutralized. To correct for this over banking, simply apply a light amount of opposite aileron to maintain the desired angle of bank.
Standards for Steep Turn (in addition to common standards):
Turn either 180 or 360 deg, maintain bank angle between 45 and 60 deg. Avoid approaching stall, unusual attitude, or exceeding structural or operational limits, finish (roll out) within +/- 10 deg of our starting heading.
MOI Steep Turn
Start by conducting a clearing turn, and then ALWAYS clear visually first. SET HDG BUG on desired rollout HDG. Initiate by adding approx 5% torque, smoothly begin to bank the aircraft. As we pass thru 30 deg AOB we will need to adjust trim as we load the wings to maintain altitude, then it should be minor maintenance to AOB, Pitch, and Power to maintain. Be proactive in watching your heading so you don’t blow past or terminate too early. As you terminate, you will have to adjust power and re-trim.
Purpose behind practicing SLOW FLIGHT?
We practice slow flight to gain familiarity with how the aircraft performs (controllability and handling) as we approach the area of reverse command and how the aircraft responds in the slow flight regimes, compare bank angle in standard rate turn, turn radius. Some times we operate in slow flight regime: takeoffs, missed approach, approach, circle to land
Why do the clearing turn for SLOW FLIGHT in clean config and at 160 kts?
This knocks out the clearing turn and gives us a good basis to compare handling characteristics between clean and 160 kts and landing config slow flight.
Standards for SLOW FLIGHT?
Common Standards Apply (always), airspeed Vref +5, -0 kts, NEVER allow speed to Vmca of 86 in landing config. Avoid stall and altitude not below 4000’ agl. NOTE: Intentional or simulated engine failures below Vsse are prohibited.
What are the differences between a standard rate turn at 160 kts and one in slow flight?
Standard rate turn in slow cruise 160 kts = 23 deg (10% airspeed + 7), in slow flight (100 kts) the standard rate is attained at 17 deg. In the 160 knot turn we don’t have to add any power to maintain altitude and airspeed because we haven’t added any appreciable weight to the aircraft(as in the steep turn). As we pass thru Vyse (blue line), we enter the region of reverse command. Less airflow over the control surfaces we need more control input which deflects the control surface more and we must hold the input longer to get the same response as before.
MOI for Slow Flight:
Configure the airplane (APPLY), speed check(199), flaps approach, gear down(181), before landing check, speed check (in the white arc), flaps down. As we pass thru Vyse, we enter the region of reverse command. Airspeed Vref +5/-0. With much less airflow over the control surfaces we need more control input which deflects the control surfaces more and we must hold the input for longer time to get the same response as before. We complete the maneuver with a Go Around returning to 160 kts in the clean configuration to a predetermined altitude (recovery may be climbing or level).
Four left turning tendencies we can see in the slow flight regime?
Adverse Yaw, Proverse Roll, P Factor, and Torque Effect
Define Adverse Yaw:
The tendency of an aircraft to yaw opposite the direction of a turn (in slow flight). The downward deflecting aileron has much more induced drag than at higher speeds. Without coordinated rudder, this increase in induced drag manifests itself as a hesitation in the direction of the turn. Explain: By definition, lift is perpendicular to the oncoming flow. As the left wing moves up, its effective angle of attack is decreased, so its lift vector tilts back. Conversely, as the right wing descends, its lift vector tilts forward. The result is an adverse yaw moment to the left, opposite to the intended right turn.
Define Proverse Roll:
Proverse roll occurs when we make rudder inputs which cause the outside wing to accelerate, which increases lift(velocity squared part of the lift equation), and will cause the aircraft to roll in the direction of the rudder/pedal input.
Define/discuss P Factor:
P Factor is the asymmetric loading of the prop. In level flight the relative wind strikes the props at a 90 deg (perpendicular) angle so the center of thrust is the center of rotation. If we tilt the disk up, as in high angles of attack, low airspeed, and high power settings, the relative wind strikes the blades from below and the downward blade takes a bigger bite of air producing more thrust than the upward blade resulting in a center of thrust to the right side of each engine. The yawing force of the right engine is greater than that of the left engine because of its longer lever arm being further away from the centerline of the aircraft then the left engine’s arm. To demonstrate, simulate a go-around: increase torque to approx 80% wile pitching up to 7 deg. Use right rudder to keep heading, at 7 deg release the rudder and you will see the nose yaw left. Then return to level flight and Vref.
Define/discuss Torque Effect:
Torque Effect is the tendency of the aircraft to yaw in the direction opposite the rotation of the props and is based on Newton’s 3rd law. Fro any action there is an equal and opposite reaction. We see this during takeoff when max power / prop rotation causes more pressure/drag to be placed on the left main gear and the aircraft wants to yaw left. Demonstrate by adding power approx 80% and see a left roll begin as well as some yaw due to P factor.
Approach to Stall practice benefits:
Its important to practice so we are familiar with the approach to stall, can recognize the indications of an impending stall, and are able to recover using proper corrective actions.
Stall / Impending Stall indications:
Normally the first indication is the stall warning horn, if that is not working correctly may feel the aircraft buffet, lightness in the controls, and lastly the full break. Remember that we can stall at any altitude, airspeed, or attitude.
Visually clear the area by making a clearing turn. Perform APPLY. Can demonstrate clean or in landing configuration. For landing config Speed Check(199) FLAPS APP, (181)Gear DOWN, Before Landing Check. Speed Check(143) (White Arc) FLAPS Full. Reduce power to 10-20%, maintain altitude, and trim not lower than 100 kts. Use RUDDER for heading control and to keep the WINGS LEVEL. At the first indication of a stall, reduce angle of attack by lowering pitch sufficiently to break the stall, and add max avail power to increase lift over the wings. As a technique, generally nothing lower than the horizon is required to break the stall. Level the wings and pitch to minimize altitude loss and continue with a recovery. State Go Around, advance power and state SET POWER, 5-7 deg pitch, accelerate to a minimum of 10 kts above pre-stall warning and call SET FLAPS APPROACH, call positive rate, gear up, and at Vyse call FLAPS UP, then call SET CLIMB POWER, Go Around checklist. Recovery can be climbing or level.
STALL Standards:
WARNING: Entry altitude will be no lower than an altitude that will allow recovery to be safely completed at a minimum of 4000’ agl. Correctly recognize the approach to a stall, correctly perform recovery procedures, recover with a minimum loss of altitude.
Unusual Attitude practice & standards:
We practice unusual attitudes so we are familiar with how to properly recover from an unusual attitude prior to stalling or exceeding limitations. Correctly analyze aircraft attitude and use correct recovery procedures without delay.
Unusual Attitude Nose High / Airspeed Decreasing:
“Indicator in the blue, power thru” Add power, roll to the nearest horizon not to exceed 45 deg angle of bank to prevent “unloading” or negative Gs, then level the wings.
Unusual Attitude Nose Low / Airspeed Increasing:
Indicator in the black, power back” Nose low airspeed increasing, reduce power, level the wings and pull the nose back to the horizon.
Engine Malfunction during FLIGHT
Initiate with APPLY. Execute - bring one power lever back to idle, AP/YD disengage, Power as required (recommend 2 x TQ), maintain positive control while banking 3-5 deg and 1/2 ball into the good engine. Correctly ID the failed engine: “Confirm Engine 1/2 Has Failed, did the PROP Feather?” If it did not feather, ID the prop, CONFIRM, and feather the prop. Maintain airspeed +/- 10 knots but no slower than Vyse. Check Gear and Flap position. Verify with checklist. Torque on “failed” engine = 8-12 % to simulate zero thrust.
Engine Malfunction After V1
Simulate engine failure with armed autofeather, retard the affected power lever to IDLE while simultaneously moving the propeller lever to the feather position. Maintain positive control by establishing up to 5 deg bank angle and 1/2 ball into the good engine. Positive Rate = Raise Gear and state “Gear Up”, at Vyse FLAPS UP. Correctly ID the failed engine: “Confirm Engine 1/2 Has Failed, did the PROP Feather?” If it did not feather, ID the prop, CONFIRM, and feather the prop. State “My Power” and call for “Engine Malfunction after V1 Checklist”
Recover Power and Prop to terminate.
Engine Malfunction On Final:
Pilot determines if there is enough time to complete the in-flight procedure prior to landing. Critical to get timely application of power so that you don’t descend below glide slope or bleed off too much airspeed.
Maintain at or above normal glide slope indications, Glide Slope, PAPI, or VASI. Maintain normal app speed but no lower than Vref and land in the first 1/3 of the runway.
Complete EP and landing check: AP/YD Off, Gear Down Check, Prop High on good engine, Flaps for landing.
Engine Failure during Final Approach Standards:
WARNING: Simulated Engine Failures will not be initiated below Vsse.
Maintain Positive Control
Apply sufficient power for airspeed / distance remaining
Maintain Approach Angle
Time permitting complete & verify CL procedure
Steps: POWER as Required, GEAR Down
Move both power levers to IDLE for landing, talk about using BETA and REVERSE and tendency to YAW.
Decelerate to 60 Kts, then FEET UP, BETA, BRAKES.
Out of REVERSE by 40.
Advance POWER Levers toward MAX and state: “GO AROUND, SET POWER”, PITCH 7 Deg, state “FLAPS APPROACH”, look for POSITIVE RATE, then GEAR UP (lights off). At Vyse state “Vyse, FLAPS UP”
Single Engine Go-Around Warning & Discussion:
WARNING: Do not attempt once FLAPS are BEYOND APPROACH. Do not initiate go-around by increasing pitch without applying power. The only way to transition from a descent to a climb single engine and maintain Vyse is to retract the gear and flaps at the beginning of the go-around.
Single Engine Go-Around Steps:
Initiate by advancing POWER toward MAX and direct “SET POWER”. RETRACT GEAR (positive rate NOT required). Direct “FLAPS UP”, adjust PITCH simultaneously to CLIMB at Vyse (5-7 deg). Call for SINGLE ENGINE GO AROUND CHECKLIST when time, altitude, workload permit.
TAXI Standards:
COMPLY with TAXI Clearances, FOLLOW taxi lines with minimum deviation, MAINTAIN safe taxi speed for conditions, CORRECTLY adjust controls for wind, APPROPRIATE airport diagrams out and available, COMPLICATED or complex clearances shall be written down, NO intersection shall be entered without clearing in all directions, TRAVERSING runways and hotspots requires extra vigilance - starting engines or completing checklists is prohibited in these areas.
Maintain: Heading +/- 10 degrees Altitude +/- 100 feet Airspeed +/- 10 KIAS Rate of climb/descent +/- 100 FPM Trim +/- 1/4 Ball Width DME Arc within +/- 1 NM FINAL APPROACH: Descents >1000 FPM are prohibited unless briefed and concurred by each crewmember.
Explain Task Description:
Description explains one or more recommended techniques for accomplishing the task to meet the standards. The manual cannot address all possible situations and alternate procedures that may be required. Tasks may be accomplished using other techniques, as long as the task is done safely and standards are met.
Normal Takeoff and Climb Standards:
Without error, complete BEFORE TAKEOFF, LINEUP, and AFTER TAKEOFF checks. Maintain track, runway centerline between the main landing gear during roll. Obtain computed takeoff power prior to reaching 65 kts. ROTATE at Vr +5/-0 KIAS. Perform climb at 160 KIAS or per climb schedule.
Touch and Go Landing STANDARDS:
IP/SP only. Common Standards Always. Approach speed Vref (plus 1/2 gust spread) +/-5 KIAS. Maintain at or above approach angle on FMS, ILS, VASI, PAPI when available. Touchdown within first 1/3 of available runway with desired track between the mains & maintain centerline after touchdown and rollout.
Touch and Go Landing DESCRIPTION:
Announce on downwind that landing will be Touch and Go. Aircraft lands, power levers IDLE, FLAPS UP or APPROACH, TRIM SET and aircraft rolling out. STABILIZE POWER, power levers to 12 O’Clock. IP will announce ADVANCE POWER, advance power levers, state SET POWER, POWER SET when takeoff power reached. V1, ROTATE as appropriate.
Crosswind Considerations:
Use CRAB into the wind to correct for drift on all legs until FINAL. The crab into the wind is changed to a SLIP into the wind for round-out and touchdown. The point to begin the SLIP is at the P* discretion. Prolonged SLIP will result in increased rate of descent and power to resume a normal descent. During after-landing roll, use normal rudder and position ailerons as required to correct for crosswind.
Fuel Management Standards
Verify required amount of fuel for mission at takeoff. Perform in-flight consumption check after level-off or in cruise profile. Initiate alternate course of action if consumption rate varies from planning and flight cannot be completed with the required reserve. Monitor consumption rate and quantity during flight.
Prop Limits Normal Range
1600 - 2000
Prop Limits Max RPM
Prop Limits Max Transient
2200 5 seconds
Prop Limits Reverse
1900 1 minute (also 750 TGT)
Torque Limits Normal Range
Torque Limits Max
Torque Limits Max Transient
123% 5 seconds
TGT Limits Normal Range
TGT Limits Takeoff and Max Continuous
TGT Limits Normal Cruise Climb
TGT Limits Max Transient
TGT Limits Max Starting
1000 for 5 seconds
TGT Limits Low Idle
OIL Pressure Takeoff and Continuous
105-135 psi
OIL Pressure Normal below 12000’
105 - 135 psi
OIL Pressure Normal above 21000’
85-105 psi
OIL Pressure Low Idle Min
60 psi
OIL Pressure Max Cold Start
200 psi
OIL Temperature Normal Continuous
10-99 deg (55 for fuel heater operation)
OIL Temperature Starting
-40 deg to 99 deg
OIL Temperature Low Idle
-40 to 99 deg
Starter Limits (Time)
40 sec on, 60 sec off, 40 sec on, 60 sec off, 40 sec on, 30 min off
Pneumatic Pressure Normal and Max
12-20psi normal, 20 max
Airspeed Vmo Max Allowable
Airspeed Va Max Design Maneuvering
Airspeed Va Max Design Maneuvering Flaps Extended
Airspeed Vb Turbulence Penetration
Airspeed Vf Max FLAPS APP
Airspeed Vfe Max Full Flaps C model
Airspeed Vle Landing Gear extension/extended
Airspeed Vle Landing Gear Retraction
Airspeed VMC Min Single Engine Control
Airspeed Vyse Best Rate of Climb Single Engine
Airspeed Vsse Single Engine Balk Speed
Except in an emergency, props should be moved out of reverse above
40 knots
Minimum airspeed for sustained icing conditions
Windshield Icing Maintain airspeed below
Propeller Deice Amp meter
14-18 amps normal operation
Cabin Altimeter and Differential Pressure Normal and Max
0-6.1 psi normal, 6.1 psid max
Max Ramp Weight
Max Gross Takoff Weight
Max Landing Weight
Max Zero Fuel Weight
Brake Deice shall not be operated, except to test, at ambient temperatures above
15 deg C
Maintain % N1 or higher during simultaneous operation of the brake deice and surface deice
Is brake deice use allowed during single engine operation?
Max G Loading Gs at 12,500 lbs Flaps Up
-1.27 to +3.17 G
Max G Loading Gs at 12,500 lbs Flaps Down
-1.27 t0 +2.00 G
Turn the winshield heat on to NORMAL when passing_____feet msl or prior to entering the __________, whichever occurs first
Turn the winshield heat on to NORMAL when passing 10,000 feet msl or prior to entering the FREEZING LEVEL whichever occurs first
No takoff with fuel _____ to _____ lbs
No takeoff with fuel 0 to 265 lbs
Max fuel imbalance
1000 lbs
Max altitude for aircraft operations
Max altitude when operating with INOP Yaw Damp
17,000 feet unless equipped with dual aft body strakes
Altitude for Auto Pilot use & when is AP prohibited
200’ , AP use prohibited during Takeoff and Landing
Aircraft shall not be operated when ambient temp is warmer than ISA + at sea level
ISA +37 deg C
Aircraft shall not be operated when ambient temp is warmer than ISA + above 25,000’ msl
ISA +31 deg C
Engine ice vanes shall be retracted at
+15 deg C and above for flight operations
Minimum FAT for operation of deicing boots shall be
-40 deg C
Max demonstrated crosswind demonstrated
25 kts at 90 degrees
Max designed sinkrate
600 fpm
Pitot heat is limited to ___ minutes during ground operations
15 minutes operation
Maximum persons and weight for air stair door
1 person / 300 lbs
If a crack occurs in any side window or windshield, aircraft operation is limited to feet or less and cabin pressurization of PSI or less as required
If a crack occurs in any side window or windshield, aircraft operation is limited to 25,000 feet or less and cabin pressurization of 4 PSI or less as required
Landing gear cyclic rate shall not exceed complete cycles equally spaced in a minute period
Landing gear cyclic rate shall not exceed 5 complete cycles equally spaced in a 20 minute period
If any conditions of ice accumulation are observed, the icing environment should be exited as soon as
Total ice accumulation of inches or more on the wing surfaces
2 inches
A percent increase in torque per engine required to maintain a desired airspeed in level flight not to exceed percent torque when operating at recommended holding speed
30% increase, not to exceed 85% percent torque
A decrease in indicated airspeed of knots after entering the icing conditions
decrease of 15 knots
Use of the is prohibited when any of the visual cues specified exist, or when unusual lateral trim requirements or autopilots trim warnings are encountered while the airplane is in icing conditions
autopilot use is prohibited in severe icing conditions
Taxi Standards:
Correctly perform IAW the CL, Properly use Power, Beta, and Brakes to maintain safe taxi speed. Control direction and speed without EXCESSIVE USE OF BRAKES, Taxi so as to avoid other aircraft and hazards.
When does “Flying” time start and end?
Flying time starts when an airplane begins to move forward on the takeoff roll and ends when the aircraft has landed and the engines are stopped or the flying crew changes.
When will a crewmember turn in his flight records and training folder?
Each crewmember will hand carry between assignments and must present their records/folder within 14 calendar days after reporting for duty or placement on flying status.
Traffic pattern altitudes for airplanes should be?
Traffic pattern altitudes for airplanes should be 1500’ AGL (Helicopters 700’ AGL)
When will anti-collision lights be on?
Anti-collision lights will be on when aircraft engines are operating except when conditions may cause vertigo or other hazards to safety.
When will position lights be on?
Position lights will be on bright between offical sunset and sunrise.
What minimum altitude will Army aircraft maintain above noise sensitive areas?
2000’ above the surface of national parks, monuments, recreation areas, scenic river ways administered by the national park service, wildlife/game refuges and ranges administered by US Fish and Wildlife, wilderness and primitive areas administered by US Forest Service.
Are passengers allowed on flights where flight crew emergency training will be conducted?
Passengers are prohibited from: maintenance, engineering, functional, or experimental test flights, areobatics, demonstrations, qualification or refresher training, record attempts, acceptance flights.
Which AR governs investigating and reporting mishaps?
AR 385-10 prescribes procedures for investigating and reporting aircraft mishaps.
What level command is required to accept the out brief from a Class A accident?
The first General Officer (GO) in the chain of command is required to accept the out brief from the Class A accident investigation team.
Complete engine stoppage and/or shutdown will be in what conditions (airplane)?
VFR conditions and at least 4,000’ AGL and limited to not more than one engine at any one time
Can simulated engine failure be conducted climbout?
Simulated engine failure on climbout after takeoff may be accomplished, if indicated airspeed is at or above safe single engine operation.
Minimum useable runway for simulated engine failure?
Useable length runway used for landing must be AT LEAST 4,000’ long
Conditions for Touch and Go Landings:
Aircraft has two sets of controls, IP/SP at one set of controls, runway must meed accel-stop + 2000’, conduct iaw appropriate ATM
Unusual attitudes, simulated engine shutdown, or engine failures, and autorotations will not be initiated while under:
When the ATP requirements are not met the commander will:
Investigate which will take no longer than 30 days
After ATP failure investigation (no longer than 30 days), the commander will:
Authorize up to a 30 day extension to complete, request a waiver, recommend a FEB
Are commanders authorized to grant themselves an extension?
If an extension is granted, can aviators perform as PIC?
Nope, and also cannot brief missions until missed ATP requirements are met
Who may utilize alternate ASE training programs?
Units without assigned aircraft survivability equipment (ASE) and Army Special Operations Aviation Units.
If _____ days have elapsed since the last flight as a pilot or pilot in command the aviator will be administered a:
60 days have elapsed & no fly = Proficiency Flight Evaluation
What is currency for non-rated crewmembers?
90 days
When two or more aircraft are operating as one flight the commander will designate one of the rated crewmembers as:
Air Mission Commander, based upon recent aviation experience, maturity, judgment, mission situational awareness, understanding commanders intent, NOT NECESSARILY upon rank or grade
Are rated Unit Trainers permitted to conducting emergency procedures training in aircraft?
UTs are PROHIBITED from conducting emergency procedures training in aircraft.
True or False: UTs are PROHIBITED from evaluating ATM individual, crew, and maintenance tasks.
Can UTs perform duties from any crew station?
Commanders may authorize rated UTs to conduct duties from any crew station.
An ARMS will be conducted how often for all AC and RC units?
Every 24-36 months
How many oxygen masks must be on board?
One for each passenger and crewmember
What is the minimum amount of oxygen supply?
A minimum of 10 min supplemental oxygen shall be available during flight at or above 250
Preflight: Fuel gauges, check quantity and gauge operation - what numbers can be associated with the fuel gauges?
0-265 No Takeoff Range 1000 lbs Maximum Imbalance Five interconnected wing tanks = 136 gal One Nacelle tank = 57 gal One Aux tank = 79 gal
Maximum Zero Fuel Weight:
11,000 lbs
How many fuel nozzles on each engine?
14, 7 x primary and 7 x secondary
Low Idle sets the fuel flow rate to attain:
59% +/- 2 % N1
High Idle sets the fuel flow rate to attain:
70% N1
Fire Control Handles receive power from:
Hot Battery Bus
Pulling a Fire Control Handle does two things:
Arms the extinguishing system, and closes the Firewall Shutoff Valve for that engine
The engine fuel supply system consists of:
Two separate, identical systems, connected by a valve controlled line and share a common management panel
Where are the standby fuel pumps located?
One in each nacelle tank
Engine operation without Standby Pump or Engine Driven Boost Pump is limited to:
Ten cumulative hours. This condition is indicated by illumination of either #1 or 2 FUEL PRESSURE warning lights on the warning annunciator panel
Fuel gallons and pounds for full wing (mains) tanks:
136 gallons & 924.8 lbs at 6.8 per gallon
Fuel gallons and pounds for full AUX tank:
79 gallons & 537.2 lbs at 6.8 per gallon
Fuel gallons and pounds for the Nacelle Tank:
57 gallons & 387.6 lbs at 6.8 per gallon
What is considered “unusable” fuel quantity and weight?
4 gallons and 26 pounds and is not included in totals listed in -10
The #1 / 2 NAC LOW lights on the annunciator panel illuminate when there is:
Approx 153 lbs usable fuel remaining
ATM: APART Standardization flight evaluation, the SP/IP will evaluate a minimum of __________ topics from each subject area.
Two topics from each subject area in the Evaluation Sequence area of the ATM. If the evaluated crewmember is an IP/SP, the SP will evaluate the ability to instruct tasks.
ATM: APART Instrument evaluation, the IE will evaluate a minimum of ______ topics from the subject areas relevant to IMC flight and flight planning.
Four topics from each relative IMC subject area. If the evaluated crewmember is an IP/SP, the IE will evaluate the IP/SPs ability to instruct instrument related tasks.
True/False: A compatible Flight Simulator may be used to conduct instrument flight evaluations IAW AR 95-1?
TRUE: provided the FS must be full motion cat C or higher, and the FS must be Super King Air compatible. DES Ft Rucker will generate a list of approved simulators and locations. Ref ATM
Evaluations consist of how many phases?
Four Phases: Introduction, Academic oral evaluation, Flight evaluation, and Debriefing
ATM: During standardization flight evaluation the evaluator will have the examinee properly identify at least______components and discuss their function
properly identify at least two components and discuss their function
ATM: Operators manual exam will consist of 50 questions. The aviator must answer______of the 50 questions correctly to receive a satisfactory grade.
The aviator must answer 45 of the 50 questions correctly to receive a satisfactory grade.
ATM: Additional tasks designated by the commander as mission essential are assigned a ______ number.
ATM: Additional tasks designated by the commander as mission essential are assigned a 3000-series number.
ATM: Conditions specify what?
Conditions specify the common wartime or training conditions under which the task will be performed.
ATM: When a UT,IP, or IE is cited in the condition, that individual will be:
At one set of the flight controls unless the task is performed in a FS.
ATM True/False: An IP, SP, or IE may conduct training/evaluations from a non-crewmember station
True, if authorized by the commander
ATM: Unless otherwise specified in the conditions, all in-flight aircraft training and evaluations will be conducted under __________ conditions.
ATM: Unless otherwise specified in the conditions, all in-flight aircraft training and evaluations will be conducted under visual meteorological conditions VMC conditions.
ATM: Standards are based on ________ IDEAL conditions.
ATM: Standards are based on IDEAL conditions.
ATM: Task description explains:
Description explains one or more recommended techniques for accomplishing the task to meet the standards.
ATM: Individual instructor techniques will neither be treated as _________ nor used as ________ elements.
ATM: Individual instructor techniques will neither be treated as STANDARDS nor used as GRADING elements.
ATM: True/False Task descriptions are not to be used as a grading standard.
Prop RPM Primary Gov fail (Max TQ 81%)
Prop RPM Fuel Topping Gov or 106% of selected RPM:
2120 (106% of 2000)
What factors will result in lower(more favorable) Vmc speeds?
Forward CG, Flaps APP, Higher Gross Weight, Higher DA (less power available). These factors will result in lower (more favorable) Vmc speeds.
On the C-12, the difference in Vmc between the 5-degree bank condition and wings level condition may be as high as:
15 knots
To achieve the best performance when an engine fails and HIGH Power is required, must keep the aircraft in up to a:
Up to a 5-degree bank towards the good engine and 1/4 - 1/2 ball width towards same.
P-Factor occurs when the relative wind striking the blades is not aligned with the thrust line, as it is with a nose-high attitude. As a result, the downward moving blade has:
The downward moving blade has a greater angle of attack then the upward moving blade. This moves the center of thrust to the right in the C-12 where the props rotate clockwise.
Proper recovery from loss of control due to operating at airspeed below Vmc requires:
Requires REDUCTION of POWER and lowering the pitch attitude of the aircraft to INCREASE AIRSPEED. In many situations these actions are COUNTER-INTUITIVE.
Pressurized Aircraft, if the cabin altitude exceeds 10,000 ft pressure altitude then the provisions of AR95-1 para 8-7
Apply. Para 8-7 Unpressurized Aircraft supplemental oxygen will be used on flights above 10,000 ft PA for more than one hour, above 12,000 ft PA for more than 30 min, Aircraft Crew Only.
Crew & Passengers on all flights above 14,000 PA for any period of time.
For flights above 18,000 ft PA, what will be accomplished by aircrewmembers on unpressurized aircraft?
Oxygen pre-breathing 90-100% and will be for not less than 30 minutes at ground level and will continue while enroute to altitude.
Pressurized aircraft, as a minimum will have a XX emergency supply of oxygen to all occupants when the aircraft will be above 14,000 ft PA.
Minimum ten-minute emergency supply. Additional oxygen will be on board when factors could prevent descent to 10,000 ft cabin PA.
Above 25,000 ft PA oxygen masks will be:
Above 25,000 ft PA oxygen masks will be connected and readily available.
If pressurization is lost in flight above 14,000 ft PA:
Descent will be made immediately to a cabin PA of 10,000 ft or below. Thereafter, provisions for un-pressurized aircraft (AR95-1 para 8-7) apply.
Balked Landing Conditions
Flaps beyond approach, gear down, VMC, both engines operating, airspeed no less than Vref
Balked Landing Standards
Ensure AC clear all obstacles, resume normal climb once clear, FLAPS to APPROACH at or above Vref +10, FLAPS UP at or above Vyse
Balked Landing Discussion
Normally initiated at 50 feet, gear down, flaps full and speed Vref. Can be broken down into two phases:
- Max climb segment, initiated by applying power, pitch adjusted to maintain Vref NOT TO EXCEED 20 deg.
- Once clear of obstacles, lower pitch to Vref +10, retract FLAPS to APPROACH, continue to accelerate. Retract GEAR UP, Vyse FLAPS UP
Balked Landing Callouts
P* "BALKED LANDING, SET POWER" advancing power levers to MAX P* adjust pitch to maintain Vref P* once clear pitch approx 7 deg P* direct "FLAPS APPROACH" at Vref +10 kias P "POSITIVE RATE" L Seat retracts gear, states "GEAR UP" P* "FLAPS UP" at Vyse or greater P* "MY POWER" "SET CLIMB POWER" P* "GO AROUND CHECKLIST"
Are the Bleed Air Valves normally open or closed?
The environmental shutoff valve is normally closed. When a BLEED AIR VALVE switch is in the OPEN position, the corresponding solenoid valve is electrically held open and air can flow through the valve and into the cabin.
How does pressurized air leave the vessel?
Air flows out of the pressure vessel through the OUTFLOW and / or SAFETY valve located on the aft pressure bulkhead.
The ICE VANES will be Extended when?
The inertial separators ICE VANES shall be extended whenever there is visible moisture at ambient temperatures of +5 deg C or below.
When should the Auto-Ignition System activate?
When armed, if engine torque falls below approx 20% for any reason, electrical power is provided to energize the engine igniters.
What six items run off of “Little P3” ?
Brake Deice, Bleed Air Warning, Rudder Boost, Vacuum, Surface De-Ice, and Door Seal
What PSI does the Engine Driven Fuel Boost Pump provide?
25-30 psi
What PSI does the HIGH PRESS fuel pump provide?
900-1100 psi
At what pressure does the FUEL PRESS light extinguish?
9-11 psi FUEL PRESS Light Out
What N1 would indicate a HUNG START (no secondary fuel flow)?
28-32% N1 = Hung Start
How many fuel nozzles are there?
14, 7 Primary and 7 Secondary