Byzantine Empire Flashcards
split the Roman EMpire into four unit. Ruled the west. His military power enabled him to ultimate authority.
the first Christian emperor. Made Constantinople the new capital of the empire.. ruled the east
Justinian Code
basis of imperial law in the Eastern Roman Empire
Justinian’s wife. Father was a bear trainer. She helped Justinian make a lot of his decisions.
Christian military expeditions to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims
Greek Fire
flaming explosive balls
Hagia Sofia
cathedral startred in 533. has domes and mosaics, built after riots and fires in Constantinople
Golden Horde
the Mongal army
Cyrilic Alphabet
an alphabet used to convert people to Christianity and is still used today
Ghengis Khan
led the Mongal army
first Russian city state, Slavs, sprung up because of the Vikings
ruled in Novgurod
Prince Valdimir
started the Eastern Orthodox religion. sent 10 people out to study religions in different villages
Eastern Orthodox
Russian religion
city sprung up from Vikings after attacking the Slavs
Ivan the Great
kicked Mongals out of Russia
Ivan the Third
founded unified Russia, married the niece of the Constantinople ruler