Bylaw Exam Flashcards
Know the phonetic alphabet
Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey Xray Yankee Zulu
Clear and resuming patrol
Code 200
Officer in trouble
Code 900
Officer involved serious injury/death
Code 1000
Public Safety incident
Unit Contact …
Code 15
Mental health concern
Animal complaint
Hazardous goods spill
What bylaw can you find the section corresponding to advocacy messaging, provide the name of the bylaw and section #
Temporary signs bylaw 3.3.1(a) $1000
Adult having a fire during a declared fire ban - What bylaw is this under and what is the fine?
Community Standards Bylaw - 17.1(2) $2500
(Contravene order of Fire Chief that prohibits building or igniting a fire in a fire pit or portable fire receptacle on a premises)
Property management company failed to post appropriate signage on multi residential bins. What is the Bylaw, Section, and fine?
Waste Bylaw 14(7)(a) $250 Fail to ensure clear signage posted on waste collection containers
Smoking and Vaping Bylaw
List three public areas where smoking/vaping is prohibited
Sports field
Transit property
Play ground
Olympic plaza
What two force codes on tickets
CESD - General
CAS - Animal
Streets Bylaw 20M88
House that has lip into road way - person has matts there. What is the offence and fine?
17(4) unauthorized material on street $500
What bylaw does this fall under? Extension cord across sidewalk onto road
17(4) unauthorized material on street $500
Difference between MGA545 and MGA546
MGA545 Remedial Order for untidy property
MGA546 Dangerous property
What enforcement actions can be taken on private property
Verbal warning
Written warning
What enforcement actions can be taken on Public property
- Violation ticket
- Written Warning
- Verbal warnings
What would be priority 1 response for graffiti
- Hate crimes
- Racial
- Vulgar
What is the SLA - Service level agreement for graffiti
24hours for hate crimes/racial
7 days for all other graffiti
What age should puppy be licensed
3 months
Any animal under 3 months found running at large must do what?
Be licensed immediately
Where can you tether your dog while going for beers?
No where
Exception on private property if within line of sight
What legislation on your appointment or on your bylaw appointment cover dogs left in a vehicle
Hot dog complaints - CHS is not available and cant make it, what other agency could help?
CPS and us (Bylaw)
Definition of “Attack” RPO
Know the difference between severe injury and attack
“Attack” means force applied by an Animal to a Person or other Animal consisting of more than one Bite, or more than one puncture, or more
than one laceration, resulting in bleeding, sprains, serious bruising, or
multiple injuries
Definition of a “severe injury”
Know the difference between severe injury and attack
“Severe Injury” includes any injury to a Person or Animal that requires
medical attention such as wounds requiring sutures, or other wound
repair and closing, or surgery, disfiguring or scarring lacerations, broken
In Ian Dunbars scale - Describe level 6
Any bite resulting in death of a animal
In Ian Dunbars scale - Describe level 5
Multiple bites at level 4 or above. A concerted, repeated attack causing severe injury
In Ian Dunbars scale - Describe level 4
Two to four holes from a single bite, typically contact/punctures from more than canines, considerable bruising. Black bruising, tears, and/or slashing wounds. Dog clamping down and held and/or shook head from side to side
In Ian Dunbars scale - Describe level 3.5
Multiple level 3 bites.
In Ian Dunbars scale - Describe level 3
Punctures one to three holes, single bite. No tearing or slashes. Victim not shaken side to side. Bruising
In Ian Dunbars scale - Describe level 2
- Teeth touch skin but no puncture. May have red mark/minor bruise from dogs head or snout. May have minor scratched from nails. Minor surface abrasions
In Ian Dunbars scale - Describe level 1
- Growl, lunges, snarls no teeth touch skin. Mostly intimidating/threatening behavior
Distance increasing - what signs should tell you to increase space between you and dog
Chest forward
Tail flagging
Starring down
Distance decreasing - what signs should tell you its safe to decrease space between you and dog
Play bow
Tail wagging
Slow Blinks
Soft eyes