Bylaw Exam Flashcards
Know the phonetic alphabet
Alpha Bravo Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Juliet Kilo Lima Mike November Oscar Papa Quebec Romeo Sierra Tango Uniform Victor Whiskey Xray Yankee Zulu
Clear and resuming patrol
Code 200
Officer in trouble
Code 900
Officer involved serious injury/death
Code 1000
Public Safety incident
Unit Contact …
Code 15
Mental health concern
Animal complaint
Hazardous goods spill
What bylaw can you find the section corresponding to advocacy messaging, provide the name of the bylaw and section #
Temporary signs bylaw 3.3.1(a) $1000
Adult having a fire during a declared fire ban - What bylaw is this under and what is the fine?
Community Standards Bylaw - 17.1(2) $2500
(Contravene order of Fire Chief that prohibits building or igniting a fire in a fire pit or portable fire receptacle on a premises)
Property management company failed to post appropriate signage on multi residential bins. What is the Bylaw, Section, and fine?
Waste Bylaw 14(7)(a) $250 Fail to ensure clear signage posted on waste collection containers
Smoking and Vaping Bylaw
List three public areas where smoking/vaping is prohibited
Sports field
Transit property
Play ground
Olympic plaza
What two force codes on tickets
CESD - General
CAS - Animal
Streets Bylaw 20M88
House that has lip into road way - person has matts there. What is the offence and fine?
17(4) unauthorized material on street $500