Bygy Flashcards
How does globalisation occur?
International trade
International investment
Improvements in communications
What has happened as a result of globalisation?
Countries have become more interdependent, they rely on each other
How has in,robe nets in ICT affected globalisation?
Improvement ends including email, the Internet, phones, phone lines means it is quicker and easier for businesses to communicate with each other. A company may have its head quarters in one country and easily communicate with branches across the globe
How has improvements in transport affected globalisation?
Improvements include more airports, high speed trains, larger ships making is quicker and easier to communicate face to face and to export supplies across the world and distribute products globally
What is globalisation?
The process of the worlds economies becoming integrated, the world comes together as a single community
What are call centres used for?
Used by companies to handle telephone enquiries for businesses
How have call centres benefited from globalisation?
Improvements in ICT mean that’s if easy to phone faraway countries
Why are call centres based abroad?
Labour costs are cheaper and so are running costs
Give an example of a call centre
In 2004 Aviva moved 950 call centre jobs from the uk to India and Sri Lanka as it is 40% less
How have localised industrial regions benefited from globalisation?
Improvements in ICT and transport mean some industries can develop around a specific region which is useful but they still have global connections
Give an example of a localised industrial region
A lot of Motorsport companies have offices in Oxfordshire and Northampton, Renault have a headquarters there. They are close to silverstone race circuit and have lots of skilled workers. It is near an airport so people can easily fly there. Manufacturers use the Internet to send and receive information
Give case study details on Motorsport valley
It employs 40,000 people 25,000 of which being engineers
80% of the worlds best engineers and designers work here
Annual revenue of £9billion
4,500 companies operate here 87% export produce globally
Sales exceed £5 billion of which 65% are exports
What is Motorsport valley?
A cluster of world famous company headquarters of global Motorsport companies
What businesses are located in Motorsport valley?
Aston Martin
What are TNCs?
Companies that produce products sell products or is located in more than one country
How do TNCs increase globalisation?
They link together countries through the production and sale of goods
Why are TNC factories located in poor countries?
Labour is cheaper so more profit is made
Why are TNC headquarters located in rich countries?
There are more people with administrative skills
Ads of TNCs
Create jobs
Employees in poor countries get a more reliable income compared to farming
TNCs spend money to improve local infrastructure
New technology and skills are brought to poorer countries
What are the ads of primary to the uk
Cheap fashion
Keeps uk important
Dis ads of primark to uk
Bad working conditions
Bad press for unethical conditions
Ads of primark to Bangladesh
4 mill employees 3rd biggest manufacturing location £13 bill in exports in 2009/10 Brings foreign currency in 40 mill are connected in the industry 1:4 work in textiles New standards
Dis ads of primark on Bangladesh
$30000 pa If they complain primark can move anywhere People work more than 100hrs People live in bad polluted areas Leakage Child labour No contracts Abuse
Ads of TNC in Bangladesh to propimark
Cheap labour
200,000 items made a day
Highly skilled designers but cheap manufacturers
No tax
Disadvantages of TNC in Bangladesh on primark
Increased minimum wage
Bad press
Disadvantages of TNC
Badly paid wages Long hours Poor conditions Leakage Not secure jobs
What is industrialisation?
The growth the manufacturing industry
Why are call centres located in India?
Good internet access
Cheap labour- 1/10 of the wage in Europe or us
Highly educated workforce; 2 mill graduate a year
Speak English
Excellent international data communications
What are the conditions in a call centre like?
Late shifts Overcrowding Fake names Earn £3000 a year Qualifications Infrastructures
What happened in 1977 that help China industrialise?
Dang xiaopeng changed China’s policy to stimulate Chinese industry and encourage foreign investment
What happened in 1979 which helped China industrialise?
The one child policy meant a lower population so an increase in disposable income in consumables
What happened in 1978 which helped China industrialise?
The communist party started to introduce capitalist principle in the agricultural sector meaning people had an incentive to produce good products as opposed to trading produce for rewards with the state
What happened between 1989 and 1994 that helped China industrialise?
The setting up of economic zones paved the way for foreign investment and tax incentives attracted interest from outside China
What happened between 2000 and 2006 that helped China industrialise?
Cloth manufacture more than doubled and car production increased by more than six times and mobile ownership increased nine times
What happened between 2000 and 2003 that helped China industrialise?
1/5 of exported garments were Chinese 50% of the worlds shoes 60% of the worlds bikes
What also happened in 2003 that helped China industrialise?
Nest steel production was thought to be 25% of the total world output
What happened in 2008 that helped China industrialise?
The 3 gorges dam generates 22,500 MW hydro electric power and has consequently allowed global development
What happened in 2015 that helped China industrialise?
The Chinese president came to the uk to promote investment
How have individual people tried to reduce global warming?
- Conserving energy at home by using low-energy light bulbs, switching off electrical appliances, insulating lofts
- walking or cycling to work or school rather than getting the car
- reducing waste by reusing materials or recycling
- buying organic food to reduce the use of chemical fertilisers
- paying a carbon offset when making a journey
How have local authorities tried to reduce carbon emissions?
The promote public transport by using park and ride schemes in towns and cities
Grants are available for people to insulate their homes
People are encouraged to recycle waste materials
Congestion charges discourage cars from entering the city centre
What has the national response to carbon emissions been?
Tougher Mot tests
Higher road taxes
Supports transport initiatives such as bus lanes
Encourages recycling and waste reduction
Power stations are fitted with filters to reduce emissions
Reduce co2 by 60% by 2050
Produce 10% of electricity renewably by 2010, in 2005 it was 4%
Develop new sources of energy
Encouraging energy conservation
What does the kyoto protocol state?
- 37 industrialised countries that have signed the treaty are legally bound to reduce their co2 emissions by an average of 5.2% below their 1999 levels by 2012
- only the USA and Australia have refused to sign
- those that have signed including Russia accounts for over 60% of co2 emissions
- over 170 have signed
- the USA has refused to sign on the grounds that the costs of reducing co2 to the environment would harm its economy
What are carbon credits?
Trading carbon between organisations or countries in order to meet the overall target. Organisations that have not used up carbon credits can trade credits on the open market, organisations that have exceeded their quota may choose to buy carbon credits rather than installing expensive equipment. Overall a balance is achieved and a target is met
When has globalisation existed since?
What is interdependence?
The relationship between two or more countries usually in terms of trade
What is a transnational corporation?
Companies that spread their operations around the world in an attempt to reduce costs
How have costs of telephone calls changed?
Decreased since 1930
How have ocean freight and port charges per short ton of import and export cargo changed?
Decreased since 1930
How has the average air transport revenue per passenger mile changed?
Decreased since 1930
What is a satellite and how have they helped globalisation?
An object that revolves around the earth following a particular path or orbit. They allow telephone and data conversions to be relayed via transponders within the satellite
How has submarine cables helped globalisation?
Allows global operations for both manufacturing and service industry
What is the sea-me-we?
A submarine cable system linking south east Asia, the Middle East, and Western Europe
When WA Ethe sea-me-we developed?