By Species Flashcards
Leptotyphlops humilis
southern CA, fossorial, blind,
Charina bottae
northern CA to coastal central ca and sierra nevada,
Charina umbratica
disjunct spots in southern CA
Lichanura trivirgata
southern CA
Arizona elegans
southern half of ca
Bogertophis rosalae
extreme southern CA in one spot
Chionactis occipitalis
southeast CA
EVERYWHERE, but southeast
Contia tenuis
northwestern CA, Sierra Nevada foothills
Contina longicaudae
coastal northern CA
Diadophis punctatus
coastal ca, sierra nevada foothills (also across US)
Hypsiglena chlorophaea
extreme northeast CA and southeast ca deserts
Hypsiglena ochrorhynchus
costal north central CA and sierra nevada
Lampropeltis getula
all over CA
Lampropeltis Zonata
Sierra Nevada foothills, coastal CA
Masticophis flagellum
southern half of ca