By-Laws Flashcards
The setting off of Fireworks within the limits of the City of Mississauga
What if there is rain on a Victoria Day or Canada Day?
next day shall be considered the holiday for setting off Fireworks
Fire Route By-Law
Any ???? who discovers a vehicle parked in contravention of the provisions of Section 10 of this by-law may have the vehicle moved to and stored in another location
police officer, parking control officer or firefighter
The setting off of Fireworks within the limits of the City of Mississauga
No person shall hold a public Fireworks display unless:
- currently certified as a Fireworks Supervisor Level 1 or Level 2 by the Explosion Regulatory Division of Natural Resources Canada
- they have received a permit for such public display issued by the Fire Chief
Fire Route By-Law
Requirements of a Fire Route:
- entrance of at least ? metres in width
- Designed to support a load of not less than ?? lbs. (?? kg) per axle
- Distance from the face of the building?
- Overhead clearance of:
- Have turn-around facilities for any dead end portion of the access route exceeding ? m.
- 6
- 25,000 lbs (11,363 kg)
- 3 to 15 metres
- 5 metres
- 90 metres
Smoking By-Law
T/F: There is no known safe level of exposure to second-hand smoke
T/F: No person shall smoke tobacco in a Public Space
Fire and Emergency Services Fees and Charges By-Law
Typical fees:
- MVC: first hour
- Non-emerg elevator first hour
- Natural Gas
- Assistance request
MVC: $465 per truck
all others: $450 per truck
Fire and Emergency Services Fees and Charges By-Law
What services/calls does MFES charge for?
- False Alarms
- MVC for non-residents
- Non-Emergency elevator response (property owner gets charged)
- Natural Gas
- Fire extinguisher training
- Fire inspection requests
- Permits and applications
- Fire reports and file searches
- Extraordinary expenses
Open Air burning
T/F open air burning SHALL be permitted when a smog alert has been issued?
False. *all open air burning shall comply with the provisions of the Environmental protection act.
Tow Truck Licensing
Can the tow truck driver recommend a particular body shop?
No, unless requested to do so by the person hiring them for the tow. But they can’t recommend anything outside the Municipal Boundary
Outside Fireworks Vendors Licensing
How many exits shall a Fireworks Storage Unit have?
Fire and Emergency Services Fees and Charges By-Law
Fee recovery for the replacement/repair and/or cleaning of front line and personal protective equipment is?
Corporation’s Actual Cost Per Incident
Fire Route By-Law
- All standpipe system and sprinkler system fire department connections shall be located not more than ??m from a hydrant.
- hydrants shall be located ??m from the building whenever possible
- 45
2. 12
Open Air Burning
No person shall set, maintain, or cause to be set or maintained, a fire in the Open Air unless a Permit has been issued by the Fire Chief.
Fire and Emergency Services Fees and Charges By-Law
False alarm / Nuisance False alarm fees…
Typically: first is free, second is $200, third and so on is $900 (in a calendar year)
All nuisance false alarms within a consecutive 72 hour period will be treated as single incident
Fire Route By-Law
Private hydrants shall be provided when any part of a building face is located more than ??m from a municipal hydrant.
Tow Truck Licensing
Tow truck driver duties at an MVC:
clean up any debris, fragments of glass, Vehicle parts or other materials (excluding loads dumped during the Collision) and which may be a danger to the public from any highway or roadway prior to towing the Vehicle from the Collision Scene;
Open Air Burning
a Permit holder shall not set or maintain Open Air Burning, or cause Open Air Burning to be set or maintained:
- between sunset and sunrise;
- at a distance of less than ???? meters from any building, structure, property line, tree, hedge, fence, roadway, overhead wire or other combustible article;
- if the wind velocity is greater than ??? kilometers per hour;
- that exceeds ??? square meter in area;
- that exceeds ??? meter in height;
- within ??? meters of any combustible ground cover;
- without a suitable means of extinguishment available while the fire is burning; or
- if it creates a Nuisance.
- fifty (50)
- twenty four (24)
- one
- one
- five (5)
Outside Fireworks Vendors Licensing
What are the 4 holidays according to this bylaw?
Canada Day
Victoria Day
Chinese New Year
Open Air Burning - Cooking Fire
A person may set or cause to be set or maintained a Cooking Fire without obtaining a Permit between sunrise and 11 p.m., provided that:
a) the fire is not more than ?? meters by ?? meters in size and not more than ?? meters in height;
0.3 x 0.3 x 0.3
Open Air Burning
T/F: “Cooking Fire” means an Open Air fire used for the purpose of cooking food on a grill but does NOT include a manufactured barbeque
Fire Route By-Law
Who is responsible for maintaining Fire Routes and hydrants?
Property owner
*Which include removing snow, ice or obstruction which may prevent the use of the fire route or hydrants
Open Air Burning
“Outdoor Fireplace” means a manufactured non-combustible enclosed container designed to hold a small fire for decorative purposes and the size of which is not larger than ? meter in any direction, and may include, but is not limited to, chimineas.
Outside Fireworks Vendors Licensing
Application for a licence:
- Not within ?? metres of an intersection
- Not within ?? metres of a public park entrance
- Not within ?? metres of a school
- Not within ?? metres of another vendor/business that sells fireworks
30 100 100 500 *vendors must be 18 years of age or over to be licensed under this by law
Outside Fireworks Vendors Licensing
relating to the sale of Fireworks from a Fireworks Portable Display Unit.. what type of Fire Extinguisher is needed?
10 lb ABC
Fire and Emergency Services Fees and Charges By-Law
When a fee is imposed by the corporation, how long do people have to pay?
30 days of receipt of the invoice
The setting off of Fireworks within the limits of the City of Mississauga
No fireworks except on which days?
Victoria Day, Canada Day or any other day for which a permit has been issued by the Fire Chief
Tow Truck Licensing
Tow Truck obstruction or interference with emergency services personnel responding to a Motor Vehicle Collision is called:
Roles and Responsibilities of the City of Mississauga’s Fire and Emergency Services Division BY-LAW
According to this By-Law, Acting Captains are considered “Officers”.
“Officer” means Fire Chief, Assistant Chief, Division Chief, Executive Officer, Platoon Chief, District Chief, Captain, Communications Coordinator and such other person as may be designated as an officer from time to time by the Fire Chief
Open Air Burning
A Firefighter may order a fire to be extinguished immediately if the fire:
- is not set in compliance with this by-law; or
2. is determined upon inspection by the Firefighter to constitute a safety hazard or concern.
Roles and Responsibilities of the City of Mississauga’s Fire and Emergency Services Division BY-LAW
MFES shall be composed of the following Sections:
- Administration
- operations and communications
- fire prevention and life safety
- professional development and accreditation and
- capital assets
Tow Truck Licensing
What is the max rate a tow truck driver can charge?
$3.10 per KM for a vehicle not exceeding 6,000 lbs. $290.00 all inclusive flat rate