Buyer Representation Agreement Flashcards
What is Common law fiduciary agent
“OLD CAR”: obedience, loyalty, disclosure, confidentiality, accounting, and reasonable care.
Statutory agent
The duties are similar to a common law agent but backed by statute, so they vary by state.
Dual agent
Also called limited agency, this form of agency allows an agent to represent both buyer and seller in a single transaction (in states where it’s legal).
Designated agent or split agent
This is an option allowed in some states where a single brokerage (but different licensees from that brokerage) represent both buyer and seller in a single transaction, with each representative loyal to the interests of only one party.
The licensee represents neither party and merely helps with paperwork, or other ministerial duties.
open agency
allow a buyer to work with several buyer representatives, and also reserve the right to self-represent.
Exclusive Agency
Buyers who opt for exclusive agency are represented by a single brokerage, but reserve the right to self-represent.
exclusive right to represent
The buyer hires only one company for representation, and waives the right to self-represent during the term of the agreement. The buyer’s representative named on the agreement is assured of a commission no matter who completes the transaction, provided the buyer identifies a property within the term of the agreement.
All Georgia buyer representation agreements must be in writing and
-Have a definite termination date
-Clearly state compensation details, including any retainer fee and commission information
-State the services the licensee is going to provide to the client
-State the limits to the licensee’s authority
-Include any other terms of the buyer representation relationship that the client and licensee have agreed upon
Buyer as Customer
-Identifying property and property information
-Preparing and conveying an offer to a seller using a pre-printed form
-Locating an inspector
-Providing a list of real estate attorneys to the buyer
In Georgia, buyer representation agreements ______.
Aren’t limited to any a state-specified form
Which of the following duties does the agent owe the buyer under the terms of a buyer representation agreement?
Locating and showing properties
¸A legal description can best be described as which of the following?
A description of the land that specifies the boundaries and location of a specific piece of real property
Using preprinted purchase agreement forms is the standard, but ______.
You should know what to fill in the blanks
What is the purpose of the closing disclosure
To detail all costs Jermaine will owe at closing
Real estate sales contracts typically specify ________.
The remedies if either party defaults
Traditionally, lenders’ qualifying mortgage rules use a range of percentages to qualify for both the housing debt-to-income ratio and the total debt-to-income ratio. What are those ratio ranges?
25% to 28% for housing; 33% to 36% for total debt
Who must provide the buyer and seller with a copy of the closing disclosure?
The buyer’s lender