Butterflies Flashcards
Swallowtail (Papilio Machaon)
6-8 cm wingspan
Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius)
Southern Festoon (swallowtails)
Zerynthia polyxena
Apollo (swallowtails)
Parnassius apollo
Small Apollo (swallowtails)
Parnassius phoebus
Clouded Apollo (swallowtails)
Parnassius mnemosyne
Wood White (whites and Yellows)
Leptidea sinapsis
Brimstone (Whites and Yellows)
Gonepteryx rhamni
Pale Clouded Yellow (whites and yellows)
Colias hyale
Small White (whites and yellows)
Pieris rapae
Green-veined White (white and yellows)
Pieris napi
Dark-Viened White
Whites and yellows
Pieris bryoniae
Black-veined White
White and Yellows
Aporia crataegi
Bath White
White and Yellows
Pontia daplidice
Orange Tip
White and yellow
Anthocharis cardamines