Business Strategy febraury Flashcards
Please define 3 Key Issues (Questions) of strategic planning.
- What do we do (Mission of the company). What are we doing now? What is our current position?
- For whom do we do it? (Who are the Stakeholders, Sponsors, Customers?)
- How do we beat or avoid competition? (Africa’s Problem: Tomato Merchandise Story, they copy everything which seems to run good.) Fazit: In order to determine where the company is going, the organisation needs to know exactly where it stands, then determine where it wants to go and how it will get there.
Please give a defintion for Business Strategy!
- “Business Strategy is the long term direction of an organisation, levering competencies and resources with a view to satisfy stakeholders’ expectations.” (Johnson G and Scholes K, 1999).
- “It is the ability to deliver long time added value to the organisation.”
Please enumerate 3 levels of strategies and explain them!
1. Corperate Strategy (decisions at the top, CEO are making decicions, business decisions, financial decisions who bring them ROI) a. It explores the ways firm can develop a favourable portfolio strategy for its many activities. b. It includes such factors as decisions about the type of business a form should be in (SBU.) The flow and other resources to and from its divisions and the way a corporation can increase its ROI.
2. Business Strategy (How do we compete with strategy (SBU) a. In constrast, usually occurs at the divisional level with emphasis on improving the competitive position of the corporation’s product or services in a specific industry or market segment the divisions (Unternehmensbereich) serves.
3. Operational Strategy (functional, Departments of the Companies. These guys are in the field.) a. Is on maximising resource productivity. b. Given the constraints (Vorgaben/Auflagen) of corporate and business strategies around them, operational departments develop strategies to pull together their various activities and competences to improve performance.
There are four needs for strategic planning. Please explain!
- It Provides a “theme (Mission,title, subject)” for the organisation.
- It ensures organisational “fit” (do not conflict with environment) with the environment.
- Optimal use of discretionary resources.
- Better control (It is a plan you have, you are able to see the current situation.)
What are the limitations of strategic planning? Please give four examples.
- It is costly in terms of time and money
- It tends to encourage bureaucracy
- It stifles (erstickt) innovation and oppurtunities. Maybe these will be missed because they are not in the plan.
- It is not relevant in a crisis
Please give a definition to Analysis of Strategy and also discuss the aim of AS.
- Analysis is concerned with understanding the strategic position of the organisation in terms of its external environment, internal resources and competences and the expectations and influences of stakeholders.
- The aim of AS is to form a view of the key influences on the present and future well-being of the organisation and what opportunities are afforded by the environment and the competences of the organisation. (Key Influences, Present and Future, Well Being and Opportunities of the environment and competences.
Which 5 components does the AS (Analysis of strategy) include? Please enumerate them and discuss
- The Environment Describing environmental changes and trends in commercial, economic, political, technological, cultural and social world. 2. Avaiable Resources/ Competencies /Strengths and Weaknesses SWOT - Internal components based on Resources = Competencies , Strength and Weaknesses.
- The organisation culture / Beliefs and Assumption Belief and Assumptions make up the culture of an organisation and influences the strategy.
- Stakeholder expectations E.G. Shareholders and Employees needs. These are important as they will affect what is seen as acceptable in terms of the strategies propelled (vorangetrieben) by management.
- Profit oriented organisation Have a choice of adopting high risk/high return strategy or low risk/low return strategy
Please explain the two main approaches to business strategy!
- Prescriptive: Business Strategy - one whose objectives are defined in advance. Main Elements are developed before strategy commences. It is a structured approach strategy with the final objective being clear.
- An Emergent: Business Strategy - is one where the final objectives are unclear. Elements developed during the course of its life as strategy proceeds or unfolds (entfaltet).
Define choice of strategy (CS) and enumerate and discuss its three components
Def: CS involves understanding the underlying bases guiding future strategy, generating strategic options for evaluation and selecting from among them.
- Generating of strategic options: There are several possible courses of actions.
- Strategic options: Can be seen in the context of strategic analysis in order to assess the relative merit (Begünstigte) of the available options.
- The Selection of the Strategy: That the organisation finally peruses (durchgeht
Which compenents does the strategic management process includes. Please enumerate 3 components.
1. Analysis of the strategy
2. Choice of strategy
3. Strategic evaluation and implementation
Please define Strategy Implementation and enumerate all its three components and define them as well.
Def: SI is the translation of strategy into action. Implementing a strategy takes into account the following:
- Organisational Structure: E.G. should the organisation be split into Africa, Asia and Europe?
- Does the Organisation have suffient resources to implement the strategy?
- Managing change : Crucial particularly amongst employees
Please define strategic lenses and discuss all three ways:
Def: Strategic lenses are different ways of viewing the strategy:
- Strategy as design: Assumes that strategy is formulated in a rational / logical process based on information which is systematically conderised and predictions made.
- Strategy as experience: View that future strategies based on experience drawn from past strategies. This is essentially an emergent approach to strategy.
- Strategy as ideas: New and innovative ideas. They are not preserved on senior manamgent at corporate level, but new ideas are often created across the spectrum of the organisation as people interact in their daily jobs.
Fundamental principles for businesses are (**Profit Making and finding customers. **Please discuss all the different ways of strategic management in organisational context: Please give 5 explanation.
Definition: While businesses have similiar underlying fundamental principles (Making profit, finding customers), they differ in a variety of ways:
- Small organisations: Single or limited range of market with limited products or services hence (deshalb) scope of their operations is likely to be less strategic.
- Multinational companies: Divers in terms of product range and geographical spread. The challenge here is that multinationals face issues of structure, control at corporate level, coordination and allocation of resources.
- Public sector institutions: Exist to provide a service-differences in planning.
- Voluntary and NGO’s: Dependent on donors and there may be great influence on strategy formulation from such donors. (Donator’s Influence)
- Professional Service organisations: Are being more important than revenue-earning capability in terms of strategies that profit making organisations make. (Professional Service Organisations are more important than profit making strategies, long termed)
Please come up with 2 models for environmental research. Just enumerate them first.
- PESTEL Analysis:
- Porter’s Five Forces:
Please explain the PESTEL framework in detail. Start with a short definition.
- The PESTEL Framework provides a comprehensive list of influences and trends on the possible success or failure of particular strategies. It is an analysis for the macro-environment of an organization.
- The Macro environment is hardly to change by the organization
- It stands for Politocal, economic, social, Technological, environment, legal.
- Since the Macro environment is hardly to change by the organization, firms have to adopt to these trends and influences.
Please see the picture below and give examples for every categories for the airline industry:
Security controls, restrictions on migration
Economic: Fuel price, National growth indicators
Social: Rise in travel by elderly, Student international study exchanges Technological: Fuel-efficient engines and aircrafts, security check technologies, WIFI during flights
Environmental: Noise pollution controls, Energy consumption controls, Land for growing airports
Legal: Restrictions on mergers, preferential airport rights for some carriers.
The five forces framework by porter helps analysing industries and sectors. Please define this model. Firstly enumerate all the five force.
The five forces framework by michael porter helps identify the attractiveness of an industry or sector in terms of competitive forces.
**1. Threat of Entry **
**2. Supplier Power **
**3. Power of Buyer **
**4. Substitution Products **
**5. Competitive Rivalry **
Please explain the five forces by porter with more details. Refer to Threat of entrys
**1. Threat of entry: Barriers of entry to an industry. **
Factors new entrants has to overcome:
- Economy of scale
- **Capital requirements **
- **Access to supply or distribution channel **
- **customer or supplier loyalty **
- **experience & expected retailation. **
The higher the barriers the more unattractive it gets for new entrants to enter the market.
Please explain the five forces by porter with more details. Refer to Buyer Power!
Power of Buyer: The power of buyers is high when some of the conditions prevail.
- **(Switching cost) **Cost of switching supplier is low or involves less risk.
- (**Backward Integration) **The threat of the supplier being acquired by the buyer. The buyer might setting up competition with the supplier. Backward integration.
- **(Concentration of buyers): **There is concentration of buyers particularly if the volumes purchased by the buyer are high. Otherwise the supplying industry comprises (beinhaltet) a number of small operators.
Please explain the five forces by porter with more details. Refer to Supply Power!
SUPPLY POWER-is likely to be high when:
- There is concentration of suppliers
- The switching costs from one supplier to another is high
From the 5 forces of porter please explain **Threat of Substitutions. **
- Substitution reduces demand for a particular class of products as customers switch to the alternatives.
- Even to the extent that this class of products or services becomes obsolete (veraltet aus der Mode), eg fanta to apple max drink.
What does the compenent **Competetive Rivalry mean? **
The component **Competitive rivalry **is a part of Porter’s Five Forces in order to analyze the organisation’s micro environment also called industry or sector. This models gives information about the attractiveness of an industry or sector.
These are organisations with similar products and services aimed at the same customer group. (MTN,AIRTEL, ZAMTEL)
There are a number of factors that affect the degree of competitive rivalry in an industry or sector:
- (**Equal sized Competitors = High Competition) **The extent to which competitors are in balance (where competitors are of roughly equal size there is the danger of intense competition as one competitor attempts to gain dominance over another.
- Industry growth rates may affect rivalry
- High fixed costs in an industry-perhaps through capital intensity, may result in price wars and low margins if industry capacity exceeds demand as capacity fill becomes a prerogative( Vorrecht).
- Where there are high exit barriers to an industry.
- Differentiation-where products or services are undifferentiated, there is little to stop customers switching between competitors increasing rivalry.