Business Planning Exam Notes Term 3 Flashcards
Small medium enterprises can be defined as:
- a manufacturer employing fewer than 100 people
- a non-manufacturer (rural and services sectors) employing fewer than 20 people
Small and medium businesses contribute the following to the economy:
- Areas of innovation
- Source of government revenue eg. paying the Goods and Services Tax (GST), company tax
- Competition – lower prices, greater range of goods and services for consumers and drives innovation
- Starting point for new ventures
- Provider of goods and services to satisfy consumer wants
- Produce outputs and sell exports overseas
- Specialised products and services eg. many accounting and law firms are small businesses.
- Distribution outlets for larger businesses eg. Coke sells its products through many small businesses such as local cafes, corner shops etc.
- Employment and income for individuals.
- Services for large businesses eg. accountants, caterers.
Economic contributions of SME’s
- Contributions to GDP (the goods and services produced by a nation): The higher the GDP of a nation the “wealthier” that nation is and the higher the standard of living.
- Contributions to employment: (SME’s employ 7.5 million people). High employment is needed for a good economy as it increases the demand and amount of money being spent on goods and services.
- Contributions to innovations and invention: This leads to more jobs and wealth and higher standards of living in an economy.
- Contributions to the balance of payments (BOP): Balance of payments is the financial record of the transactions between Australia and overseas nations. Exporting more than you import leads to a favourable balance of payments.
Entrepreneurial skill:
An entrepreneur is someone who identifies and develops a business idea, who is willing and able to take a risk, and who devotes time, energy and money to turning a new idea into a business reality.
Reasons for starting and operating a business
make profit, create income
create employment- for self & family
achieve better lifestyle
allow choice, job, location, schedule
increase wealth
be your own boss
improve social status
personal goals
develop own ideas
Establishment options
- Set up a new business – “from scratch”.
- Buy an existing business.
- Buy into a franchise. A franchise is an independently owned business (franchisee) with a license to use the name, products, business methods, brands and trademarks etc of another business (franchisor). Examples are:- Subway, Boost, 7-Eleven, McDonalds.
Where business ideas and opportunities come from:
The Entrepreneur – hobbies and interests, skills and experience, research and reading, networking with other business people, dissatisfaction with existing products etc
Professional advisers – accountants, management consultants, solicitors
State Governments – agencies such as the Business Enterprise Centre
Federal Government – advice services, financial grants, software programs
Local Governments – local area/suburb advice
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) – information on social, economic, population trends
Electronic Information Services – Internet – quick research of information
Market analysis involves:
collecting, summarising and analysing information about the state of the market, customers, the threats and opportunities that the market presents, and any advantages or disadvantages that the business has over its competitors
A business can use 4 price-setting strategies:
- Percentage markups: the cost price is increased by a fixed percentage to obtain a selling price eg. if a sporting goods retailer (shop) has a 100% markup, a tennis racquet that is bought for $200 is sold for $400. The percentage markup is usually calculated so that it will allow the business to cover costs as well as make a profit.
- Recommended retail price (RRP): is the price recommended by the wholesaler or manufacturer of the goods being sold by the retail price. The retailer however is not legally obliged to charge this price.
- Price leadership and competition: to follow the prices set by another retailer is to acknowledge that business as a price leader eg. in a shopping centre with a number of shops selling the same items, the prices set by the most competitive of the shops may be used as a guide by the other shops.
- What the market will bear: the price where the consumer is willing to buy the product and the seller is prepared to sell the product. The most common example of this approach is at an auction. Often it is hard to determine the value of a house, painting or racehorse, so an auction will be held and the people bidding for the item being auctioned determine its value.
Funds borrowed from banks, finance companies etc – Debt finance:
There are different types of debt finance - borrowed for; months (short term) using a bank overdraft, credit card and/or trade credit to pay bills and purchase stock, a few years (medium term) through leasing/renting equipment, machinery and/or premises or many years (long term) by taking out a mortgage on land and/or a building.
Funds contributed by owner(s) – Equity finance:
Equity finance is usually made available to the business for a long time (long term) and is used to finance assets the business will have for a long period of time (eg. machinery and equipment, buildings.
the level of debt a business has (compared to the level of equity). High gearing means a high level of debt
Financial requirements
- Establishment costs (expenses): include those costs involved in setting up the business eg. legal fees, furniture and equipment, stock, and rent in advance.
- Operating costs (expenses): include those involved in the day-to-day running of the business eg. wages, advertising, insurance, interest on loans, motor vehicle running costs.
Legal Requirements
Business name registration, zoning, health regulations, Competition & Consumer act 2010, Patents
Business name registration
the business name needs to be registered with the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC) if it is a company or the Department of Fair Trading (sole trader, partnership).
Local governments control land use in their areas – land is zoned for different uses - residential (housing), commercial (office and retail), industrial (manufacturing) etc.
Health Regulations
local governments set requirements for operation of businesses dealing with food (cafes, bakeries, butcher shops, restaurants etc) – license requirements for these businesses cover food storage, handling, display etc.