Business Models Tatiana Mikhalkina Flashcards
Why are Business Models Important?
Changes in the marketplace, such as Technology (Interenet) force companies to adopt other buiness modles
Competitive advantage is more correlated with the right business model?
What is the differnece between Business Models and Strategy?
Strategy is more granular than the business model
What comes first, Business Model or Stratagy, according to Teece David?
Teece David: Business Model comes first, since it outlines the broader logic in terms of value capture, value creation and strategy defines the more granular aspect
What comes first, Business Model or Stratagy, according to Cassadeus?
Strategy Comes first, business model comes second, since the strategy is a more contingent plan that allows to decide which busines modle to choose.
What can we infer about the two views of whether strategy or the business model comes first?
Teece, has a more entrepreneurila approach, for start ups,
Cassadeus is more focussed on large companies.
How is the business model framework depicted?

What are the components and exmples of “Customer Identification”?

What are the components and exmples of “Customer Engagement”?

What are the components and exmples of “Value Chain Linkages”?

What are the components and exmples of Monetization”?