Business management Unit 1 test Flashcards
Manager led
Team led by a sole manager
Self managing team
The learner may determine overall goals but employees control the activities needed to meet them and have considerable autonomy
virtual teams
Teams meet online instead of a common office space
cross functional teams
Designed to take advantage of the special expertise of members drawn from different functional areas of the organization
Why are teams important
Share accountability and must coordinate actions
What makes teams successful
Share accountability
Function interdependently
Require stability
Hold authority and decision making power
Operate in a social perspective
Blocking rolls
consists of behavior that inhibits either team performance or that of individual members, groupthink
steak holders
Anyone who owns stock in a company
anyone who the businesses decisions could affect
capitalism 4 basic rights
The right to own private property
The rights to own a business and keep all the business profits
The right to freedom of competition
The right to freedom of choice
An economic system based on the premise that some basic businesses, like utilities should be owned by the government in order to more evenly distribute profits among the people
An economic and political system in which the government makes almost all economic decisions and owns almost all the major factors of production
Perfect competition
Many different small companies sell identical products, price driven by supply and demand
few sellers supply a sizable portion of the market, if one raises prices the other will follow
One seller controls the market, the single seller controls the prices