Business Management Flashcards
What is the definition of Entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship is the
process of establishing a
business to satisfy a need
in the market whilst taking
on the associated risks.
What is the definition of Entrepreneur?
An entrepreneur
is an individual who starts
up a business and takes
on the associated risks
in order to satisfy a need
in the market.
What are the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur?
- willingness to take calculated risks
- strong networking ability
- determination
- innovation
- resourcefulness
- knowledge
What are the three business environments?
Internal, external operating, and external macro.
What is the internal environment?
The internal business environment involves factors a business has control over.
What are internal factors of a business?
Business values, employees, business structure, business model, and owner policies.
What is the external operating environment?
The external environment involves the surrounding factors that can impact a business which it has minimal control over.
What are external operating factors?
Supply chain, customers’ needs and expectations, competitors’ behaviours, suppliers, and unions.
What are the external macro factors?
Macro factors are social, global, technological, and economic conditions that a business works within, and has no control over.
What are external macro factors?
Global issues, legal regulations, the economy, global and technological developments, and social attitudes and behaviours.
What are the risks of entrepreneurship?
Time risk - investing time, waste of time
career risk - ruining career
financial risk - investing own money, obtaining loan
What is the desired outcome of risk-taking?
Taking calculated risks may gain access to more opportunities that can help their business grow and become more competitive.
What is the desired outcome of leadership?
Leadership should motivate and encourage employees to work towards achieving the business vision.
What is the entrepreneurship skill innovation?
Innovation involves developing new ideas and processes and finding new approaches to problems that may arise.
What is the desired outcome of innovation?
To develop new practices that improve the business’s operations (efficiencies and cost). Innovation should also distinguish a business from its competitors.
What is the desired outcome of communication?
Communication should reduce miscommunication and errors in the business due to clear vision and direction and should make positive changes from communicated feedback.
What is the entrepreneurship skill decision-making?
Decision-making is the ability to analyse situations and select a suitable course of action from a range of plausible options.
What is the desired outcome of decision-making?
Good decision-making should minimise mistakes and cost to the business.
What are the personal motivations for starting a business?
Financial independence, personal independence, to make a profit, to fulfil a market need, and to fulfil a social need.
What is the personal motivation financial independence?
Financial independence is the ability to fund a desired lifestyle without relying on income from another individual.
What is the personal motivation personal independence?
Personal independence involves a person being in control of your own decisions and actions.