Business Law Flashcards
What is Agency Law?
Agency Law deals with someone’s ability to bind you to a contract with a third party
What is required for Agency to exist?
Both parties must consent to the relationship and intend for an Agency relationship to exist
Agent owes Principal fiduciary duty
Principal doesn’t owe Agent fiduciary duty
A contract is NOT required and an Agency agreement is not based on Contract Law; Exception - If duties cannot be performed within a year; a signed writing is required
What is Actual Authority in an agency?
Actual Authority is what is expressly granted or is implied by the duties you expect the Agent to perform and is necessary to carry them out
What is Implied Authority in an agency?
When authority is expressly granted; it is implied that the agent has the authority to carry out the duties
Does not include authority to sell or alter a business
What is Apparent (Ostensible) Authority in an agency?
Apparent Authority is based on the third party’s perspective - they believe that the Agent has the
authority to enter into a contract based on:
- Prior dealings with agent
- Agent’s title leads the third party to believe they can enter into a contract
- The Principal hires the Agent to carry out duties that normally carry with them the rights to enter into contracts
How is an Agency terminated?
- Both Agent and Principal agree to terminate
- Principal fires Agent
- Agent fires Principal
- Agent breaches their contract by doing something like violating their obligation to act as a fiduciary to Principal
How do you terminate Apparent Authority?
- Let the public know
- Let the people or entities that the Agent previously interacted with know
- In cases of death; or Principal is otherwise not competent to contract; ALL authority is revoked
What is an Agency Coupled with an Interest?
Agent acquires an ownership interest in the Agency
Can only be terminated early (before the interest expiration date) by the Agent
Unless the Agency has a specific time limit spelled out in a contract; the Agent’s authority is irrevocable
by the Principal
When is an employee an Agent; and when does this make the employer liable?
Employees are agents while acting within the scope of their duties.
For employees who injure third parties while acting within the scope of their duties; both Employee and Employer are liable
When are Agents liable for torts (civil wrongs) they commit?
Agents are liable for torts (civil wrongs) committed whether they had authority or not
Are Agents who act outside of their authority liable?
Agents who act outside of their authority will be liable for the act
Exception - Principal ratifies the contract which relieves Agent of liability
In order to ratify; Principal must know all of the facts and must ratify before third party cancels agreement
If Principal keeps the benefits of the contract; ratification is implied
Contract must be 100% ratified or there is no contract
What is an Agent’s liability when acting for an undisclosed principle?
- Agent liable to third party even if acting within authority
- Third party can sue both Principal and Agent if Principal becomes disclosed
- Agent can then sue Principal
What are the requirements for a Power of Attorney (POA)?
Must be in writing
Must be signed by person granting the POA
Ends upon death of Principal
General POA - Agent authorized to handle all affairs
Special POA - Agent authorized to handle only specific affairs
What are the basic actions that occur in a bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy gives creditors protection from their creditors and stops them from either permanently (Chapter 7) or temporarily (Chapter 11 or 13) collecting a debt. The filing halts collection activity; grants automatic stay (with certain exceptions), and stops creditors from suing debtor.
For what debts does bankruptcy NOT stop collections?
Student Loans Income taxes from previous 3 years Alimony & Child Support Debts/judgements resulting from drunk driving Pension obligations Debts relating to SOX violations Debts arising from illegal activities Debts not listed in the bankruptcy filing
How does bankruptcy of a corporation affect the owner’s ability to file bankruptcy?
It doesn’t; because the corporation is a separate legal entity.
Under bankruptcy; corporations are dissolved
Under bankruptcy; individuals are discharged
What key action will cause a bankruptcy discharge to be denied?
If a debtor fails to keep good records or falsifies documents; a discharge will be denied
What are the basic characteristics of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy (liquidation)?
Discharges all non-exempt debt
Can only be filed every 8 years from previous Chapter 7 filing
Voluntary or involuntary filing
Certain businesses are disallowed from Chapter 7 bankruptcies - Railroads; Banks; Insurance companies; Savings & loans (think: 7th inning RBIs)
What are the requirements for a voluntary bankruptcy filing under Chapter 7?
Must pass means test
Your income must be below the median income for your state (Note - median; i.e. middle; not mean; i.e. average)
Credit card companies made it harder for people to declare Chapter 7 when they lobbied Congress in 2005
What are the requirements for an involuntary bankruptcy filing under Chapter 7?
In some cases; your creditors can force you into Chapter 7 or Chapter 11 BK
Creditors must be able to prove that they are not being paid on time (i.e. debtor is insolvent) or that within the past 120 days the debtor assigned a custodian of the secured property
If 12+ unsecured creditors - at least 3 must file; claims must be in excess of $15325
If less than 12 unsecured creditors - only 1 must file; claim(s) must be in excess of $15325
Upon filing; a judge will declare an order for relief unless the debtor protests
What entities are disallowed from involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy filings?
How can a debtor reclaim possession of their property from the interim bankruptcy under Chapter 7?
If the debtor pays the court-assigned bond to keep a property in an involuntary BK; they can
reclaim possession of their property from the interim BK trustee
What are the basic characteristics of a Chapter 11 bankruptcy (business repayment) filing?
Allows a business a reprieve from creditors
Creates a payment plan for the debt
Business remains in operation
At least 2/3 of each debt class of creditors must consent to reorganization
Ch. 11 Involuntary petitions are allowed
What are the basic characteristics of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy (personal repayment) filing?
Similar to Chapter 11; but for individuals
Gives individuals a reprieve from creditors
Creates a payment plan for the debt
Ch. 13 Involuntary petitions are not allowed