Business in the Real World Flashcards
What is the purpose of a business?
To provide a good or service.
What is a business plan?
A detailed statement on how the business intends to operate. either at start up or a given period of time.
Why does an entrepreneur start up a business? (3)
To produce a good.
To provide a service.
To distribute products.
What are the four factors of production?
What is land?
The physical land where the business is located and also the natural resources the business may need.
What is labour?
Staff needed by the business and the skills and qualifications they have.
What is capital?
The machinery and equipment needed by the business to make the products or provide the service.
What is enterprise?
The entrepreneur who takes a risk and creates a business using the other 3 factors of production.
What is opportunity cost?
Something that is given up in order to do something else. For example, when choosing between two different office locations, they will face opportunity costs for the location they don’t choose.
What are the three business sectors?
What is the primary sector?
Businesses that produce or extract raw materials e.g farming, fishing and mining.
What is the secondary sector?
Makes or manufactures goods. They take raw materials from the primary sector and turn them into finished goods e.g Heinz or BMW.
What is the tertiary sector?
Final stages in the production where services are provided e.g estate agents or hairdressers.
What is an entrepreneur?
Someone willing to take risks to start a business.
Characteristics of an entrepreneur? (3)
Organised = The entrepreneur will have to arrange all finances and meet deadlines.
Hardworking = Long hours are required to work in the beginning of a business.
Risk-taking = starting a new business comes with a lot of risks, e.g risking money and time.
Objectives of an entrepreneur? (3)
Fill a gap in the market
Escape a job they are unhappy with.
Have more flexibility with their working hours.
What are the two types of objectives?
Non Financial
What is financial objective?
Links to money such as making a profit or for the business to survive.
What is a non financial objective?
Personal satisfaction, challenge or independence.
What 4 types of changes can a business environment experience?
Technological Change
Economic Change
Legal Change
Environmental Expectations