Business in the real world: 1.5-1.7 Flashcards
What are the 5 factors that influence where a business in located?
-Proximity to the market
-Availability of the raw materials
What are customers important for?
-retail business
-Convenience stores
What are customers less important for?
-Business requiring larger physical space
-online businesses
What makes businesses locate near suppliers?
-products produced are large or costly to transport
-They need to be close to natural resources.
What do businesses need to consider about labour in a location?
The setting up of a new business will incur a number of location costs including…
-planning permission
-purchasing or rental
-labour costs
-transport costs
What are the 4 main reasons why businesses fail?
-flawed business plans
-Poor financial control
-lack of knowledge of market and competition
-Lack of clear unique selling point.
What 5 things does an executive summary describe?
-business idea
-Overall aims and objectives
-Main opportunities to be exploited
-strategies to be used
-Finance needed and how finance will be obtained.
What 2 things to businesses have to research about the market?
-Demand (size of market, value, growth)
What are the 4 marketing strategy?