Business In The Real World Flashcards
An organization that provides goods and services to the community in exchange for money, with the goal of becoming profitable
An article or substance that is manufactured or put up for sale
Assistance or advice given to customers during and after the sale of good
Real estate or property, minus buildings and equipment, which is designated by fixed spatial boundaries
The money used to build, run, or grow to make a business
The efforts exerted by workers to produce any goods or services
When someone has the idea to run or start a business
Primary sector
The economic sector that revolves around the extraction of raw materials/natural resources for businesses
Secondary sector
The process of making the raw materials into products ready to sell
Teritary sector
The tertiary sector of the economy, generally known as the service sector where the products are sold at shops like tesco or sainsburys
Sole trader
A self-employed person who owns and runs thier own business as an individual
An association of two or more people as partners
Private limited company (LTD)
An organisation of shareholders who have each invested a sum into the business
Public limited company (PLC)
A company that has offered shares of stock to the general public
Companies House
Any limited company or partnership business has to register with Companies House. These records are public and there is usually a fee to register
Deed of partnership
A document that is signed by all of the owners of a business setting out the terms they must abide by and their obligations as owners
A sum of money paid regularly by a company to its shareholders out of its profits
Economies of scale
Where the average costs (of production, distribution and sales) fall as the business increases the amount of product that it produces, distributes and sells
A grant is money given to a business, usually by the government or lottery fund, that does not need to be paid back
Hostile takeover
A takeover of one company (called the ‘target company’) by another (called the ‘acquirer’) that is accomplished without the agreement of the target company’s management. Instead, the acquirer approaches the company’s shareholders directly or fights to replace the management to get the takeover approved
Income tax
Tax that someone pays based on their personal income (the money that they earn)
Limited liability
When the business owner or owners are only responsible for business debts up to the value of their financial investment in the business
The amount of money made after all costs are deducted
Share capital
The money raised when a business becomes a public limited company by offering shares in the business in return for capital
A part owner of a private or public limited company
A percentage or portion of a company
Stock market
A centralised market where business shares are traded
Unlimited liability
When the business owner or owners are personally responsible for all the debt of the business, no matter what the value