Business IGCSE 2018 Flashcards
This is when there is an increase in the average price of levels of goods and services
This is when someone wants to work but is unable to find a job
Economic growth
This is when a countries GDP increases (more goods and services are sold compared to the previous year)
This records the difference between a countries exports and imports
Real income
This is the value of income. It falls when prices rise faster than money income.
GDP - gross domestic product
This is the total value of goods and services in a country in one year.
This is a period of time in which the GDP is falling
This is when goods or services are sold from one country to another.
These are the goods and services brought in from another country.
Exchange rate
This is the price of one currency in terms of another.
Exchange rate depreciation
This is the fall of value of the currency when compared with other currencies.
Exchange rate appreciation
This is the rise of the value of the currency when compared to another currency
Currency depreciation
This happens when the value of the currency falls, meaning it buys less than it did before.
Currency appreciation
This is when the value of the currency rises, it buys more than it did before.
Fiscal policy
This is the changes of tax-rates or public-sector spending made by the government.
Direct taxes
This is paid directly from an income
Indirect taxes
These are added to the price of the good or service and the tax payers pay that tax when they purchase the good. Eg. VAT.
Disposable income
This is the level of income a taxpayer has after paying the income tax
Import tariff
This is the tax on an imported product
Import quota
This is the restriction to the number of goods that can be imported.
Monetary policy
This is the change in interest rates by the government or central banks.
Social responsibility
This is when a business decision benefits the stakeholders rather than the shareholders.
Consumer boycott
This is when customers decide not to buy products from a business that does not act in a socially responsible way
Ethical decision
These are the decisions taken based on what is seen to be right
This is used to describe the increase in worldwide trade, movement of people and capital between countries.
Free trade agreements
This is when countries agree to import and export without any barriers such as tariffs or quotas.
This is when the government protects domestic firms from foreign competitors by using tariffs or quotas
Multinational / transitional businesses
These are the businesses with factories or service operators in more than one country
Business / trade cycle
Growth - GDP is rising, unemployment rate decreasing.
Boom - caused by too much spending. Prices rise and shortage of skilled workers.
Recession - caused by too little spending. GDP falls. Business demand and profits fall. Workers may loose their jobs.
Slump - a serious and long drawn out recession. Unemployment will reach high levels. Many businesses fail to survive at this point.
Effect of higher interest rates
Firm with existing variable interest loans may have to pay more interest to the banks
Managers thinking about expanding their business and borrowing money will have to delay their decision
Supply side policy
Privatization - the aim is to use profit motive to improve business efficiency.
Improve training and education
Increase competition in all industries
Economic problem
Limited resources, but people have unlimited wants and needs. Therefore, people have to make decisions (opportunity cost). This creates scarcity.
The lack of sufficient products to fulfill the total wants of the population
Factors that affect production
This occurs wen people Ajd business concentrate on what they do best. Increasing competition means that they have to keep costs low.
This can be done by division of labor.
- when the production process is split up into different takes and each worker performs one of these tasks.
Advantages and disadvantages of division of labor
Advantages: workers are trained and specialized with increases the efficiency and output.
Less time is wasted moving from one work bench to another.
Disadvantages: workers can get bird of doing only one job, which may lead into a drop in efficiency.
If one worker is absent and no one else can do the job then production is stopped.
Added value
Difference between selling price of a product and the cost of bought in materials and components.
Primary sector
Extracts and uses the natural resources of the earth to produce raw materials that can be used by other businesses.
Secondary sector
Manufacturers goods using the raw materials provided by the primary sector
Tertiary sector
Provides services to the consumers and other sectors of the industry.
Public sector
Provides services for the country. These are usually owned by governments: such as public schools, hospitals, transportation services.
Private sector
Is where businesses make profits and is owned by private individuals or groups of people. This is a legal form of business that are registered to pay taxes
Mixed economy
This when public enterprises and organizations join with the private organizations to satisfy everyone’s wants and needs.
This is when a business or company move from the private sector to the public sector.
This is when a business or a company moves from the public sector to the private sector.
Business plan
Document containing the business objectives and important details about the Finance and owners of the business.
Why do governments support start up businesses
- reduce unemployment
- increase competition
- increase output - benefits the economy
- benefit society
-Finance: loans at low interest rates
- Grants:
- labour: train employees
Research: encourage universities to make their research facilities available.
Sole trader
A business owned and operated by just one person- the owner is the sole proprietor
The responsibility for debt
When a business gets into debt that they cannot pay
Limited liability
When business closes or gets into debt it cannot pay, owners only loose the amount of money they invested. They cannot loose any personal belongings.
Unlimited liability
When business gets into debt it cannot pay, the owners are responsible for the total debt of the business. They can also loose personal belongings so that the debt can be paid.
When business is still operational even after the owners leave or die.
This can only happen if the business has a separate legal identity (LLC and PLC)
Legal entity
When a business has its own name, assets and liabilities. If business is in debt, the creditors approach the business and not the owners.
A business that uses the name, promotional logos and trading methods of an existing successful business.
Sells the franchise to the franchisee
The company grants the independent operator (franchisor) the right to distribute its trademarks, products and techniques.
Buys the franchise from the franchisor. The franchisee buys the license to operate this business from the franchisor.
Franchise agreement
A document which contains the provisions covering.
Joint venture
This is when two businesses agree to start a new project together, sharing the capitals, risks and the profits.
Business objectives
The aims or targets that a business works towards to help make the business successful and help with decision making.
- survival
- profit
- return to shareholders
- growth
- market share
- provide service to society