Business Ideas Flashcards
What is intellect?
Intellect: the ability to understand and to think in an intelligent way
What is humility?
Humility is a modest or low view of one’s own importance; humbleness.
What is a growth mindset?
Possible answer from Carol Dweck:
Growth Mindset: “In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point.
“I can learn anything that I want to” is an example of a ____ mindset.
People with a fixed mindset often give up easily.
To give up is to stop doing something. (quit)
The Mexican entrepreneur also runs a small pizza business.
To run (a business, a company): gerir (uma empresa), administrar (um negócio)
Also - também
A Mexican fintech start-up, whose success at lending modest sums in minutes has catapulted into the top 50 fastest-growing companies in the Americas.
lending modest sums - giving loans of small quantities of money.
The company functions as an online lender.
Lender: an organization or person that lends money.
Mr Méndez initially borrowed 80,000 pesos ($3,320),
Borrow is to receive a lend of money.
80,000 pesos - Eighty Thousand pesos
$3,320 - Three thousand, three hundred and twenty dollars
The company is going to go bust.
To go bust: If a company goes bust, it loses so much money that it is forced to close down
Many families are struggling to keep afloat.
Struggling to keep afloat = having problems paying the money that you owe
The government has been unable to keep a lid on inflation.
To keep a lid on = keep something under control.
My life is good, I’m just going through a rough patch.
a rough patch = a difficult period