deals with decisions that are supposed to maximize shareholders wealth
financial management
play a crucial role in making financial decisions and exercising control over finances in the organizations
financial decisions and controls
are responsible for the planning of financial activities and resources in the organization
financial planning
responsibility of financial management to estimate the capital requirements of the organization from time to time
Capital management
ensures that all financial resources of the organization are used and invested effectively and efficiently
allocating and utilization of financial resources
important for organizations to have sufficient working capital and cash flow to meet their operational expenses and emergencies
cash flow management
the decision on how to surplus or profits the organizations is utilized is taken by the financial managers. they decided if dividends should be distributed
disposal of surplus
maintain all necessary reports related to the finance of the organization
financial reporting
prepares the organization to forecast risk, put in place mitigation plans as well as to meet unforeseen risk and emergencies effectively
risk management
goal of financial management
to minimize the value of shares of stocks
the owners or investors in the firm
appointing and removing members of the top management including president
board of directors
it is the highest policy making body in a corporation
board of directors
overseeing the operations of a company and ensuring that the strategies as approved by the board are implemented as planned
representing the company in professional social, and civic activities
formulating marketing strategies and plans
vp for marketing
ensuring production meets customers demands
vp for production
identifying adequete and cheap raw material
vp for production
assisting other departments in hiring employees
vp for administration
identifying means, process, or systems that will minimize the operating cost of the company
vp for administration
funding long-term investment and working capital which deals with the day to day operations of the company
vp for finance
developing policies on dividends
vp for finance
dealing with daily operations of the company
vp for finance
serves as the link between depositor who has the money and the lender who needs money
financial intermediary