business final review Flashcards
financial diversification
strategy pf investing in a wide variety of securities in order to reduce risk
mutual fund
institutional investor that raises funds by selling shares to investors and uses the accumulated funds
exchange traded fund
shares traded on securities market that represent the legal right of ownership over part of a basket of individual stock certificates or other securities
public offering
primary market issue in which new securities are offered to any investors willing and able to purchase them
initial public offering (IPO)
first time a company issues stock that may be bought by the general public
arrangement under which an investment banker agrees to purchase all shared of a public offering at an agreed-upon price
registration statement
long, complex document that firms must file with the SEC when they sell securities through a public offering
private placement
primary market issue that is negotiated between the issuing corporation and a small group of accredited investors
accredited investor
organization or individual investor who meets certain criteria established by the SEC and so qualifies to invest in unregistered securities
stock exchange
organized venue for trading stocks and other securities that meet its listing requirements
over-the-counter market
securities that are not listed on exchanges are traded
Electronic communications network (ECN)
automated securities trading system that automatically matches buyers and sellers, executing trades quickly and allowing trading when securities exchanges are closed
discount broker
provide basic services needed to buy and sell securities but offer fewer additional services
full-services brokers
provide a wide range of services in addition to carrying out trades
market orders
an order telling a broker to buy or sell a specific security at the best currently available price
limit orders
an order to a broker to buy a specific stock only if its price is below a certain level, or to sell a specific stock only if its price is above a certain level
stock index
statistic that tracks how the prices of specific set of stocks has changed
index that tracks stock prices of 30 large, well-knwon US corporations
Standard and Poor’s 500
stock index based on prices of 500 major US corporations in a variety of industries and market sectors
all domestic and foreign common stocks traded
Wilshire 500
stock prices of all US corporations with actively traded stock
Russell 2000
stock prices of 2000 relatively small but actively traded
FTSE 100
stock prices of 100 actively traded companies
Nikkei 225
stock prices of 225 actively traded companies
SSE composite
prices on the Shanghai stock exchange
organizational function and process for creating, communicating, and delivery value to customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders
ability of goods and services to satisfy consumer “wants”
satisfies wants by converting inputs into a finished form
satisfies wants by providing goods and services at a convenient time
satisfies wants by providing gods and services at a convenient place
satisfies wants by smoothly transferring ownership of goods and services from seller to buyer
customer relationship management (CRM)
ongoing process of acquiring, maintaining, and growing profitable customer relationships by delivering unmatched value
customer perception that a product has a better relationship than its competitors between the cost and the benefits
customer satisfaction
when customers perceive that a good or service delivers value above and beyond their expectations
customer loyalty
when customers buy a product from the same supplier again and again - sometimes paying even more for it than they would for a competitive product
marketing plan
formal document that define marketing objectives and the specific strategies for achieving those objectives
market segmentation
dividing potential customers into groups of similar people, or segments
target market
group of people who are most likely to buy a particular product
consumer marketers
marketer who direct their efforts toward people who are buying products for personal consumption
business marketers
marketer who direct their efforts toward people who are buying products to use either directly or indirectly to produce other products
demographic segmentation
dividing the market into smaller groups based on measurable characteristics about people, such as age, income, ethnicity, and gender
geographic segmentation
dividing the market into smaller groups based on where consumers live
psychographic segmentation
dividing the market into smaller groups based on consumer attitude, interests, values, and lifestyles
behavioral segmentation
dividing the market based on how people behave toward various products
marketing mix
the blend of marketing strategies for product, price, place/distributing, promotion, and people
environmental scanning
the process of continually collecting information from the external marketing environment
market share
the percentage of a market controlled by a given marketer
cover a vast array of factors, including lifestyle, customs, language, attitudes, interests, and population shifts
often affects marketers in ways that are less directly visible
laws, regulations, and political climate
consumer behavior
description of how people act when they are buying, using and discarding, goods and services for their own personal consumption, explores the reasons behind people’s actions
cognitive dissonance
consumer discomfort with a purchase decision
marketing research
the process of gathering, interpreting, and applying information to uncover marketing opportunities and challenges, and to make better marketing decisions
international perspective
research firms with a strong local presence are better able to carry out international marketing research projects
product differentiation
the attributes that make a god or service different from other products that compete to meet the same or similar customers needs
quality level
how well a product preforms its core functions
product consistency
how reliably a product delivers its promised level of quality
product features
specific characteristics of a product
customer benefit
the advantage that a customer gains from specific product features
product line
a group of products that are closely related to each other, either in terms of how they work or the customers they serve
product mix
the total number of product lines and individual items sold by a single firm
when a producer offers a new product that takes sales away from its existing products
product name, symbol, design, reputation, and image that sets it apart from other players in the same category
brand equity
overall value of a brand to an organization
line extensions
similar products offered under the same brand name
brand extension
a new product, in a new category, introduced under an existing brand name
purchasing the right to use another company’s brand name or symbol
when established brands from different companies join forces to market the same product
national brands
brands that the producer owns and markets
store brands
brands that the retailer both produces and distributes
discontinuous innovation
brand-new ideas that radically change how people live
dynamically continuous innovation
characterized by marked changes to existing products
continuous innovation
features a slight modification of an existing product
marketing communication designed to influence consumer purchase decisions through information, persuasion, and reminders
integrated marketing communication
the coordination of marketing messages through every promotional vehicle to communicate a unified impression about a product
positioning statement
a brief statement that articulates how the marketer would like the target market to envision a product relative to the competition