Business English Expressions Flashcards
Posso interromper?
Can I cut in?
Sentence: Excuse me. Can I cut in? I need to say something very important.
Eu não estava a par
Usamos essa sentença para:
1 - Demonstrar surpresa quanto a um fato desconhecido
I was not privy to
Sentence: I was not privy to that, I will look it up to understand it better.
Eu detesto quando pessoas saltam em conclusões sobre mim
I hate when people jump the gun on me
Sentence: I hate when people jump the gun on me. I am an extroverted person and frequently misunderstood.
A maior lição foi…
The biggest take away was…
Sentence: The biggest take away was that we shouldn’t have been so quick to judge.
Eu tive uma recaída
I had a slip-up
Sentece: Though her slip-up set Twitter on fire, viewers were mostly forgiving.
Existe uma exceção
There is an outlier
Sentence: There is an outlier that nobody in the meeting has mentioned and I would like to address it.
Eu acho que isso me dará um retorno
I think it will pay off
Sentence: I think studying english will pay off in a brief future.
Isso não é uma crítica a sua ideia
That’s not a knock on your idea
Sentence: That’s not a knock on your idea but we should have a meeting with the BI team in order to make it a bullet proof case.
Eu não gosto de chamar a atenção
I don’t like to draw attention to myself
Sentence: Please be quiet, we don’t want to draw attention to the guards.
Eu tirei sorte grande
I hit the jackpot
Sentence: When people get to know my kids they say I hit the jackpot because they are very calm and polite.
Lançar luz sobre/Esclarecer
Shed light on
Sentece: Your explanation shed light on many of my questions, thanks very much.
Eu tenho dificuldade de
I’m hard pressed to
Sentece: I’m hard pressed to figure why any man in his right mind would dump her.
Mistura confusa
Sentence: Our last meeting was a mishmash, a complete disgrace.
Isso se tornou um bicho de sete cabeças
It’s become this multi-headed hydra
Sentence: I think we’ve made the wrong decision and now It’s become this multi-headed hydra.
O que me chamou a atenção…
What stood out for me…
Sentece: What stood out for me in your presentation was the numbers we had in the south region.
Eu não entendo muito bem isso até certo ponto
I don’t really understand that to some degree
Sentence: Lately I have been studying a lot about Apple’s design and technology, but when it comes to its core value, I don’t really understand that to some degree.
Então, um exemplo seria…
So, to take an example…
Sentence: So, to take an example… Remember when I visited Australia? Well, visiting London was the same feeling.
Eu estava em desacordo com…
I was at odds with…
Sentence: His behavior is at odds with the interests of the company.
Eu vou explicar
Usamos essa sentença para:
1 - Comprar tempo
2 - Avisar os ouvintes que desenvolveremos a ideia ora apresentada
3 - Usar como recurso de oratória quando percebemos que a ideia que apresentamos é confusa
I will bring this about
Sentence: I know this is a complex matter, but don’t worry, I will bring this about…
Tenho que dar crédito a quem o crédito é devido
I have to give credit where credit is due
Sentence: I would like to recognize Peter for his idea and execution because I have to give credit where credit is due.
Você tem toda razão!
Usamos essa senteça para:
1 - Demonstrar um alto nível de concordância
2 - Elogiar uma explicação
3 - Frizar que o que foi falado é de extremo valor
You are right on the money
Sentence: You are right on the money! I think we should all follow this strategy.
Eu não posso me menosprezar
I can’t sell myself short
Sentence: The one lesson I learned in my career was that I should never sell myself short.
Isso vem de
This stems from
Sentece: Most of her health problems stem from an accident she had when she was younger.
Isso levanta a pergunta de
Usamos essa senteça para:
1 - Aprofundar um assunto abordado por outrem
2 - Abrir subtópicos dentro de um tópico
3 - Especular intenções, motivos e razões
It begs the question of
Sentence: It begs the question of whether or not it was intentional or by mistake.
Eu discordo de você
I take issue with you
Sentence: I must take issue with you over what you said yesterday.
Isso não vale o esforço
This is not a hill to die on
Sentece: I hate talking about politics. I truly think this is not a hill to die on.
Eu não posso deixar de frizar
Usamos essa sentença para:
1 - Quando notamos que estamos sendo prolixos
2 - Demonstrar que o argumento anterior é de extrema importância
3 - Dar ênfase
I can’t stress this enough
Sentence: I love going to Disney, I can’t stress this enough.
Fiquem comigo
Usamos essa sentença para:
1 - Comprar tempo
2 - Avisar os ouvintes que desenvolveremos a ideia ora apresentada
3 - Usar como recurso de oratória quando percebemos que a ideia que apresentamos é confusa
Bear with me
Sentence: I know it sounds dubious, but bear with me for a moment…
Eu aprendi a lidar com isso
I have come to grips with it
Sentence: The president has failed to come to grips with the two most important social issues of our time.
Sigam meu raciocínio por um momento
Usamos essa sentença para:
1 - Comprar tempo
2 - Avisar os ouvintes que desenvolveremos a ideia ora apresentada
3 - Usar como recurso de oratória quando percebemos que a ideia que apresentamos é confusa
Follow me down this path for a moment
Sentence: I know it sounds confusing, but follow me down this path for a moment.
Eu não quero que isso seja mal interpretado
I don’t want this to come off the wrong way
Sentence: I don’t want this to come off the wrong way and for this reason I will need my lawyers’s orientation.
Isso é algo que vira e mexe eu penso
This is something I come to a lot
Sentece: This is something I come to a lot when I am driving.
Eu vou precisar pensar sobre isso
I will need to marinate on that
Sentence: I will need to marinate on the proposal made before I come to any conclusion.
Eu coloco muito peso na ideia de que
I place a lot of weight on the idea that
Sentence: I place a lot of weight on the idea that we should move out from Utah.
Contribuindo com seu ponto…
Usamos essa sentença para:
1 - Interromper a fala de alguém
2 - Agregar informação a uma opnião já expressada
3 - Discordar de uma opnião já expressada
To your point…
Sentence: To your point regarding the new employee I hired, I think he has more to learn and develop with us.