Business English Flashcards
Rokovat o problemoch tvarou v tvar
Deal with problems face to face
Komu oni podliehaju (su jeho podriadeni)
To whom they report
Nadriadeny a podriadeny
Superior and subordinate
Davat prikazy (komu)
Give instructions to
Uvazujte nad touto otazkou
Consider this question
Viac sebavedomy
More confident
Cenne papiere
Trvalo Udrzatelny rozvoj
Sustainable development
Prijat vyzvu
Accept the challenge
Prepacte za moju oneskorenu odpoved
apologies for my belated answer
Pozriet sa blizsie
look closely
Portfolio nehnutelnosti
property portfolio
Obratili ste sa na mna s Vasim dotazom
you approached me with your enquiry
My sa samozrejme zaujimame o predaj Vasho majetku
We are indeed interested in selling your assets
Po zvazeni geografickeho rozdelenia
Having considered the geographical distribution
Predajne procesy
sale processes
Cielova skupina investorov
Target group of investors
Interier budov
interior of your buildings
Masazny salon
massage parlour
Nebola som vnutri
I have not been inside
Podla google street view
As per Google street view
Pdf kopie podorysov je tazke/nemozne precitat
PDFs of the copies of the floorplans are hard / impossible to read
Preto, je tazke pre nas ohdadnut ci uroven prenajmu je na/pod/nad trhovu uroven
Therefore, it is hard for us to estimate whether the rental levels are on/below/above market levels
Vzhladom na povahu najomcov
Given the nature of the tenants
Stav budov
State of the buildings
Bol tam nejaky vplyv korony na najomcov a profil prijmu?
Has there been any influence of Corona on your tenants and income profile?