Business Definitions Flashcards
Opportunity cost
Opportunity cost refers to what you have to give up to buy what you want in terms of other goods
Is an individual who creates a business bearing the risks but enjoying the rewards
A payment usually of money for labour or services according usually on a hourly payment
Piece rate
Is a way of paying for work based off a particular amount done rather than the time it took to do the job
Is a fee paid to a sales person in exchange for services or completing a sales transaction
Fringe benefits
A amount paid on top of your usual basic salary
One off payment made in addition to a usual payment
Profit sharing
Workers receive a share of a profit
Shared ownership
Two people equally own the same thing
Job rotation
A practice of regularly transitioning all employees between different jobs
Job enlargement
Combining tasks across the same level within a company
Job empowerment
Is when you give employees more authority and control in their role
added value
added value is when you take a product or material and you add to it to make it more interesting to the customer
created value
is to take raw materials and manipulate the materials and turn them into something useful
is when a business is in a specific area