Business and HR Flashcards
In what terms are HR usually seen?
State duties to respect them. The growing consciousness of corporate social responsibility and sustainability, that aren’t native of the UN
What is binding for corporations?
Domestic Law enforced by them within their own jurisdiction
What is binding to state parties?
International Law enforced by them within their own jurisdiction
give egs of binding domestic law
Lex Inter Partes
Pacta Sunt Servada (good faith behind international instrument)
what is the UN guiding principle on Business and HR
- adopted for responsible business
- both gov and companies to identify, prevent, and mitigate and remedy actual and potential HR abuses
- the UNGP is also the roadmap for businesses to contribute to the 2030 dev goals
what are the three basic pillars of the guiding principles?
a) protect (belongs to the state)
b) respect (corporate responsibility)
c) remedy (for employees)
The UNGP’s calls companies to..
a) respect HR
b) avoid contributing to violations of HR
c) remedy any wrongdoing
What are the ILO’s 8 fundamental conventions?
- Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention (1948)
- Right to organise and collective bargaining Convention (1949)
- Forced Labour Convention (1930)
- Abolition of Forced Labour Convention (1957)
- Minimum Age Convention (1973)
- Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention (1999)
- Equal Remuneration Convention (1951)
- Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention (1958).
what are some future challenges?
- how to incorporate HR to the business practices
- how to make these efforts compatible with business profitability
- how to deal with the systemic HR problems
human rights are…
universal standards
where do efforts need to be focused
to the implementation of policies involving Human Rights and Enterprises
what are the multi-stakeholders initiatives (MSI) approach?
corporations, governments, civil society, academia
social impact is…
good for business. it is costly but will also reduce the Irish of future litigation costs
what are corporate responsibilities?
- HR applies to all sized of businesses
- must be a compliance with the core rights (ICCPR & ICESCR)
- corporations should implement policies and procedures to secure HR
what is the corporate human rights due diligence?
- asses actual and potential HR impacts
- act upon findings
- communicate how impacts are addressed
- act when affecting the operations, products or services by business relationships
- ongoing practice and policies dev and implementation
Explain the UN global compact initiative.
- Secretary-General of the UN Kofi Annan, founded the UN Global Compact in July 2000
- It is a call to companies to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals
what are the UN global compact principles?
- HR –> Respect and support internationally proclaimed human rights, avoiding complicity in abuses.
- Labor –> Uphold freedom of association, collective bargaining, and eliminate forced labor and discrimination.
- Environment –> Adopt caution on environmental challenges, promote responsibility, and advance eco-friendly technologies.
- Anti-corruption –> should work against in all its forms