Business Accounting (Test 1) Flashcards
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what is the first stage of the accounting process?
Source Documents
what is the second stage of the accounting process?
what is the third stage of the accounting process?
what is the forth stage of the accounting process?
What are Source Documents
Receipts, Cheque butts, Invoice, Memos, EFT
What are Recording
Sorting, Classifying and summarising the info so that it is more reliable or
Posting source documents to Journals and Ledgers
What is reporting
taking information from accounting records and reporting the financial information
Cash Flow statement
Income Statements
Balance Sheets
What is Advice
Owners in a better position to make informed decisions
and accountants provide suggestions to management and provide options for the business.
what is an asset
present economic resource,
controlled by the entity,
Result of past events
Current Assets
Economic resource that will flow to the business within the next 12 months of the current reporting date.
Non Current Asset
Economic resources that will flow to the business for over 12 months of the current reporting date.
Present obligations of the business (that will result in a transfer of economic benefits results of past events (what the business over)
Current Liabilities
Economic benefits that will transferred/ paid to the creditor within the next 12 months of the current reporting date.
Non Current Liabilities
Economic benefits that will transferred/paid to the creditor for a period longer than 12 months of the current reporting date
Owners Equity
(Owners Equity= Assets- Liabilities)
Residual interest in the assets of the business after the deduction of liabilities. The amount of the companies assets left after the deduction from liabilities that the owner can claim
Increases assets and decreases liabilities, thus increasing owners equity but doesn’t include Capital contribution from the owner
Decreases assets and increases liabilities, thus decreasing owners equity but excludes drawings by the owner (when owner take assets out of business)
profit formula