Business Flashcards
Going forward
In the future
Grow the business
To task sb
Ask sb to do sth
To action
To do sth
Vital to the business
Best practice
Most effective way of working
To impact sth
Have an effect on sb/sth
A win-win situation
It’s benefit for all
Drill down
Look at sth in more detail(examinar a fondo)
Go the extra mile
Word harder than most people would (esfuerzo adicional)
Give people a heads-up
Warn of a future development (advertir)
Keep sb in the loop
Continually inform sb of all developments (mantener informado)
Bring sth to the table
Contribute sth of value to a project (aportar ideas)
Hit the ground running
Star work on sth successfully
(arrancar con éxito o entusiasmo)
Think outside the box
Have original ideas
Touch base
Keep in contact
Bring sb up to speed
Inform sb of the latest developments on a project ( poner al corriente)
Be on sb’s radar
Be aware of sth that will need attention in the future