Business 1 Flashcards
By all means
De todos modos
Over the line
I was totally over the line
The line is a Dot to you
Me pase de la raya
Burger with works
Sandwich with the works
Con todo
I’m not a big fan of that
No soy fan de eso
She made a huge mistake
Something huge
Muy grande
Even better
Another thing is
As well as that
Then there is
Instead of..&
I have a trouble remembering the word
Problem to remember
That will be clockwise
Sentido de giro
I owe you one
Te debo una
What do you suggest
Que sugieres
This side is narrow
Es angosto
What a fuck is going on?
Que pasa
You dig, you feel me
Me entiendes, entiendes
I ain’t got no money
No tengo dinero
Let me show you around
Déjame te enseño alrededor
Knock it off
Deja de hacer eso
Put a suck in it
Are you dumb on purpose?
Eres idiota a propósito
After boozing all day, they start to fighting
Después de beber todo el día
Your business
Mind your own business
Is your business
Tu problema
Preocúpate por lo tuyo
Es tu problema
Let’s get lit
Vamos a divertirnos
10 bucks
Informal usd
Will boost your brain power 💪
Para darte poder, animarte
Go get’em tiger
Vê por ellas tigre
I need to get ripped
Get muscle 💪
I’m looking forward to talk with you
Te busco al rato pa platicar
The deli
Is the place where you find the ham and cheese
You can dumb her
Terminale, cortarle, stop dating someone. Finish a relationship
Ho damn it, now I’m doing it too
O diablos, lo estoy haciendo ahora
It totally slips my mind
Se me olvidó de repente
I have no clue
No tengo idea
Beats me
Se me olvidó
Do me right
Trátame bien
Prove me wrong
Prueba si estoy mal
I can’t take it anymore
No oo puedo hacer más
I’m just browsing
Estoy dando un vistazo
That’s fine by me
Está ok por mi
Give it time
Dale tiempo
Ho men, don’t take it to heart
No te lo tomes personal
How far along is she?
Que tan lejos está de tener el bebe? Cuantos meses tiene
You’ll spot it in someone
Lo encontrarás en alguien
Sit tight for a moment
Espera ahí un momento
I’m wrapping up soon
Regresso pronto
That’s tough
Es duroz difícil
I’m down for whatever
Estoy preparado para lo que sea
I’ll see you on Friday, come rain or shine
Te veo el viernes llueva o haga sol
Go down in flames
The project went down in flames, when the team lead resigned
Se fue al carajo
I can’t wait to get back out there again
No puedo esperar a salir de nuevo por allá
Money for nothing, chicks for free
Dinero por nada chicas por libres
I’m fully of shitty cases
You’re full of shit
Lleno de casos de mierda, complicados
I didn’t quite catch that?
Sorry I missed that
No entendí
Cut to the chase
Vê al grano
Sorry but can you cut to the chase please, I’ve to head out in 5 minutes
Vê al grano de favor, salgo en 5
Please hit me up when you’re free
Márcame cuando estés libre
I’m chillaxing
Chilling and relaxingz tirando bagunça
I’m kind of getting hungry
Ya tengo hambre
My patience is wearing thin
Se me está agotado la paciencia
I dare you
Te reto
Can you back up on this project
Me respaldas, me ayudas en este proyecto
Are you insane, are you crazy
Estás loco
That’s pointless
No tiene sentido
Take care, see ya, toodles
Nos vemos
How come that situation
Como ocurrió eso
I get by in sports
I’m not expert but I get by
Me defiendo
It’s a bit tricky
Es un poco complicado
Willy Nilly
Quieras o no
Break bread with me
Confía en mí
I’m off to jump another meeting
Salgo a otra reunión
I’m starving
Tengo hambre
I’m parched
Very thirsty, muy sediento
Likewise, same here
Igual yo
I’m broke bro
Estoy pelado bro
The downside is
La desventaja es
We would get stuck in a rut
Estancados en una ruleta
Hats off, well done, props to you
It sucks
Esto es un asco
That’s not what I’m saying, you’re twisting my words
Estás confundiendo mis palabras
It’s no picnic
It’s no so easy
Check this out bro
Mira ésto
Whassup y’all
Que hay de nuevo
Holy moly, that’s a huge deal
A la madre
I was never here for the money, but it turns out, that the money was absolutely a necessity for me
Pero resulta que
What a mess
Que desastre
Just to tick the box
Justo para marcar, cumplir
Just to triggered me
Justo para prenderme
He’s always yapping away…
Siempre está gritando
I’m pissed off
I’m angry, rabón
I’m stuffed
Estoy llenó de mucho…
She have been cheating on me for a while
Me está engañando desde hace rato
Let’s grab a bite to eat
Vamos por algo de comer
Drumsticks only, no whole chicken
Patas de pollo
This is a difficult trap to avoid
Es algo complicado de evadir
I’m guilty of it too
Soy culpable de eso también
Her bosom heaving
Su pecho agitado
That´s one way to put it
Es una forma de proponerlo
Don’t make a scene
No hagas un show
What new gossip is there
Que chismes hay
What are you working on
Que estas haciendo
What can i get for you today
Que te traigo
Be careful who you share good news with
Ten cuidado a quien le cuentas las cosas
Stop hitting on her, i see the way you look at her
Deja de caerle
You’re fricking me up
Me estas sacando el mal genio
Is there any room for negotiation on the price
Hay posibilidad de negociar algo
Hey, bro you’re putting me in a hell of a position here, but i haven’t choice
Me estas poniendo en un punto de inflexion
I gonna figure it out
Lo voy a investigar
That’s enough
Es suficiente
I need to brush up on my English
Necesito mejorar mi ingles
I don’t know if, im cut out for the language
Si estoy preparado
Now im worried that i squandered it
De que la embarre
I’m really stressed because i need to brush up on that
Hey bro, im so full up after that meal, now I really need to wind down
Reposar el almuerzo
Ohh, goodness me
Dios me salve
Though it’s could outside, i still enjoy it
A pesar de
I walked through the city
Por la ciudad
I screwed up
La cage
I’m fuming right now
I’m so gutted
Estoy enojado ahora
Estoy disgustado
Let´s catch up later
Más tarde nos vemos
I’m gonna hit the library
I’m gonna hit the gym
Voy a ir al…
Make up your mind
Make up your business
Es tu problema- piensa lo que quieras
Preocúpate por lo tuyo
Let’s scrap that, out of the window
Deséchalo, sácalo
i get my haircut every fortnight, it cost me an arm and a leg
Cada quince dias
you’ll be in the dog house
Te iras afuera
The rooms were poky…
It was a rundown area
And the pictures were deceiving
Muy pequeños
Un area muy fea- desordenada
No eran lo que esperaba- un fraude, decepcionante
Don’t get me started on the landlord, he was a piece of work
Fue un problema, el arrendatario
I had a row with him
Tuve un problema con el
She is the dream boat, bro
Es el sueño soñado
Here’s the hack
Aquí esta el truco
I was on time for the meeting
I was in time to grab a coffee first
A tiempo
Antes de tiempo
I need to look into that information again
Necesito revisar
Anything that annoys you, is teaching you patience
Anyone who abandons you, is teaching you how to stand up on your own two feet
Te abandona
There’s ain’t no way
No hay forma
In top of that, more bad news
Además de eso …
I’ve been so swamped
He estado muy ocupado
I’m knackered
Estoy mamado
But it’s no easy to cut down on work, i have my finger in many pies
Reducir el trabajo, estoy metido en todo
ok, ok i give in
De acuerdo
I’m so sorry, I didn’t pick up earlier and I didn’t get back to you
Lo lamento, no conteste temprano y no te regrese la llamada
At the moment the things are panning out very well, and I don’t want to fall behind
Las cosas estas saliendo de pura madre y no quiere retrasarme
But I don’t wanna beat myself up about it, since it’s really dad’s fault
No me culpo por eso, cuando en realidad fue culpa de mi padre
I really love to take that on, but can you give me some advice to make room for this new project
Me gustaría hacerlo, pero
Shake a leg, speed it up
We need to step on it
It’s a two way street
Trash is a two way street
Two way street right?
Tell him, this is a two way street
Requieren el mismo esfuerzo de ambas partes
Es cuestión de dos
I just found out
Me acabo de enterar
I don’t know, i got carried away
No lo se, me deje llevar
What are you up to?
Que estas haciendo
Where my skills, qualities and experience will be put on a good use
Puedan ponerse en un mejor ambiente
I’m ready for a new and a fresh challenge, you know pass to the another chapter
The weather is partly cloudy
The weather is cloudy
The weather is stormy
Parcialmente nublado
The deadline is Friday, we forecast and excellent first quarter and we’re ready to launch very soon
Primer trimestre
Fell free to touch base if you have any doubts and I’ll reach out to you tomorrow, but please make sure you don’t cut any corners
No te saltes nada
I need to put the project off on the next Friday
I need to put the meeting off on the next two weeks
Let’s call it a day
Ya valió se acabo el dia
The airplane takeoff from Chicago to Miami
Partió desde
He brewed himself a pot of coffee
I’m going to brew myself a pot of coffee
Se sirvió
In your rambling and incoherent response
En tus destellos e incoherentes sin sentido respuesta
Instead of blathering on
En lugar de balbucear
This note is just to give you a heads up, that Vickey will be arriving next week
Informarte, anunciarte
Is spotless, is mindless and nonsense
Sin sentido
Alrighty, bye for now
Nos vemos
I’ll be sure, to keep that in mind moving forward
Lo tendré en cuenta para ir avanzando con eso
Even though, it is still in the process
Está aun en proceso
Fuck you dude
Sure, but im not buying it
No lo creo
Duh, bro
Correcto bro
There is a bunch of people
A lots of people
A significant amount of water
A ton of people
Hay un montón de gente
Holy shit
Are you fucking kidding me
Me estas tomando del pelo
My girlfriend is full figured
Es gordita
I have a large number of claims to make
Tengo un poco
I’m worn out
Estoy mamado
My grandmother passed away
I dunno where he is?
I don’t know
Im outta here
Estoy fuera
Watcha thinking
What are you
You crack me up
Me haces reír muchísimo
I’m over the moon
Estoy muy feliz
I feel blue
Estoy triste
Give it a shot
Dale chance
Have a cheerful day
Ten un lindo dia
See if i care
Hay miro si me interesa
I’m dead bro, that was funny as fuck
Ja estoy muerto bro, fue muy gracioso eso
I ain’t got time for this
No tengo tiempo para eso
He is feeding you lies
Te está mintiendo
Don’t rock the boat
No patees la lonchera
You need to save it
Quédatelo, guárdatelo
Bro, Quick Sidebar
Anuncio de ultima hora
What’s your deal anyway
Que te traes bro
Keep it up
Continúa haciendo eso
I hafta do it
Lemme finish my work
Tengo que hacerlo
Déjame terminar mi trabajo
Ok, can we go over the plan one more time, before i present it to the team
Review the plan one more time
I’ll reach out to the client to see if they have any questions
Me pondré en contacto
Just play along bro
Sigueme la corriente
You need to sleep on it
Tengo que pensarlo
I’m in the middle of something right now
Im fully booked all this week
Im on the middle of a mental break already
Can i drop in tomorrow
Puedo pasar mañana
Follow your gut
Sigue tu instinto
Do you mind if i drop by tomorrow
Visiting unplanned
Hanging out with my friends
Go out
Whatju say
Where ju go
Wahyju call your mother?
Shut the fuck up
I need to swotup on my presentation skills before the meeting
Learn more, review
If you wanna pass the exam, you should bone up on the material we covered the last week
Ponerte al dia
Now, I’m mixed up
Estoy confundido
I’ll walk you out
Iré contigo
What’s your biggest weakness? I don’t like to being told what to do?
You bet
De nada, en gracias
Wrap it
A big picture thinking
Pensamiento grande
By chance, do you know where the supermarket is?
De casualidad
Is this seat taken?
This is crucial for our business
No biggie
No problem
I need to jump to another meeting
Voy para otra reunión
I think they are keeping me under pay
Me están pagando menos
That isn’t my cup of tea
No es mi fuerte, mi área
Hold your horses
I didn’t see that coming
No lo vi venir
Perhaps, im not making myself clear
Can i make a suggestion?
I prefer coffee to tea
Café a te
I hope all is well on your end
Espero todo vaya bien por alla
I have an offer, they are giving me a 50% raise
How that’s steep
That’s is to much
It’s my formal resignation letter
Carta de renuncia
I deliver way better results than him
Doy mas resultados
I don’t give a shit
No te creo
Get the fuck out of my way
Apártate de mi camino
I’m writing in connection with the last report…
En relación con
As discussed, im sending to you the annual budget
Según lo acordado
To update you on… the price campaign
Ponerte al dia
We need to hit the books
Wanna hang out dawg?
Wanna get out bro
From my point of view, you need a little bit more time
Necesitas un poco mas de tiempo
That’s my two cents bro.
That my opinion but you decide on that …
That’s horse shit
No tiene sentido… mindless
That’s bullshit
Eso es una mentira, basura
The deadline to launch the program is still TBD
To be determinated
When my coworkers ask me, what I don’t hang out with them outside of work? I just said,,,,
No sales con ellos