BUS 415 Final Guide - 2 Sets Flashcards


BUS 415 Final Guide - 2 Sets


Set 1

1) The doctrine of stare decisis concerns
A. staring at the facts of a case for a long time to make sure the correct decision is made.
B. making sure to do adequate research before making a legal decision
C. following precedents so that legal principles announced in a case are used to determine later cases
D. using constitutional law to render a decision

2) The form of alternative dispute resolution wherein the parties hire someone to review the evidence and make a decision that is binding upon the parties is called 
A. arbitration
B. settlement conference
C. negotiation
D. conciliation

3) A corporation is considered a citizen of what state?
A. The state where the president of the corporation lives
B. It is not a citizen because it is a business
C. The state where the majority of the employees live
D. The state where it filed its Articles of Incorporation

4) Which of the following statements is true regarding the relationship of law and ethics?
A. Depending on the circumstances, the law can require a higher, lower, or the same standard of conduct as ethics demands.
B. The legal requirements will almost always be the same as the ethical requirement because the law is based on ethical standards.
C. In some cases, ethics will require a higher standard of conduct than the law, but never vice versa.
D. In some cases, the law will require a high standard of conduct than ethics, but never vice versa.

5) Which of the following is correct with regard to the relationship between law and ethics?
A. Although much of law is based on ethical standards, not all ethical standards have been enacted as law.
B. The rule of law and the golden rule of ethics demand the same response.
C. The law may not permit something that would be ethically wrong.
D. Lawful conduct is always ethical conduct.

6) The Federal False Claims Act is also known as 
A. The Statute of Limitations
B. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act
C. The Whistleblower Statute
D. The Statute of Frauds

7) Harry Hoosier, an Indiana resident, drives his family to Florida for spring vacation. When he is at a red light, Freddie Floridian, a Florida resident, is unable to stop in time and his vehicle impacts Harry’s car from the rear. No one is hurt and Harry’s vehicle suffers approximately $10,000 in damages. Which is correct?
A. Harry can sue Freddie in State but not Federal Court in Florida or Indiana.
B. Harry can sue Freddie in Federal Court in Florida but not in Indiana.
C. Harry can sue Freddie in State Court in Florida or Indiana.
D. Harry can sue Freddie in State but not Federal Court in Florida but not in Indiana.

8) A defendant fails to answer a civil lawsuit, what is likely to happen?
A. The court will order that the defendant go to jail until he or she agrees to answer.
B. A court will contact the defendant and ask him to answer the lawsuit.
C. The court will grant a default judgment against the defendant.
D. The court will dismiss the case.

9) If a defendant files a motion for summary judgment in a civil case, what is the defendant saying?
A. That even if what the plaintiff says is true, there is no basis for judgment against the defendant
B. That the plaintiff’s claims are false
C. That the court has no jurisdiction to decide the case
D. That the case is ready to go to the jury

10) Monica owed Bob $500, w


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