Burns, Mass Casualty Events, Emergency Delivery, Shock Flashcards
Parkland formula
the patient receives 2 to 4 mL/kg of crystalloid multiplied by the percentage body surface area burned for the first 24 hours.
There are four triage categories in the JumpSTART system, designated by colors corresponding to different levels of urgency for treatment. Decision points include:
- Ability to walk (except infants)
- Presence of spontaneous breathing
- Respirations less than 15 or greater than 45 breaths/min
- Palpable peripheral pulse
- Appropriate response to painful stimuli on the (AVPU) scale
Treatment of Nerve Agents
- Atropine dosing is _________ (with maximum dose of________) repeated every ______ minutes as needed until there is marked drying of secretions and reversal of bronchospasm.
0.05–0.1 mg/kg IV or IM
5 mg
2–5 minutes
Treatment of Nerve Agents
- Midazolam dose _________ (maximum _______) may be required for seizures.
0.2 mg/kg IM or intranasal
10 mg
Treatment of Cyanide Poisoning
- Remove from environment
- Administer 100% O2
- hydroxocobalamin (Cyanokit)
hydroxocobalamin dosage for Cyanide poisoning
• 5.0 Gm over 15 minutes PEDIATRIC DOSAGE
• 70 mg/kg over 15 minute
Post-term pregnancy is a fetus in the uterus past ______ weeks.
42 weeks
Do not expect a newborn’s pulse oximetry to be 85%–95% until ____________
Do not expect a newborn’s pulse oximetry to be 85%–95% until 10 minutes after birth.
Normal, healthy newborn infants have initial oxygen saturations between ____ and ____ immediately after birth, slowly increasing over the next 10 minutes.
60% and 65%