Burns Flashcards
No permanent scars if taken care of to prevent infection
Second degree
Tissue damage and cell death which
What causes burns
Intense heat
Uv radiation
What occurs for burns to happen
Proteins are denatured and cause cell death in the affected area
When someone is burned what must they do
Replace their lost fluids immediately
Associated dangers of burns
Circulatory shock
Electrolyte imabalance
What determines the extent of burns
Rule of nines
Body is divided into how many areas for quick examination
Each area is qual to how much of the total body surface area
9 percent
Burn is gray-white or black
Third degree
For twenty four hours the burn is?
Why are joint injuries dangerous
Cause trouble because scar tissue can form and limit mobility
How are burns classified
According to severity or depth
Regrowth of epithelium can occur
Second degree
Destroys entire skin layer
Third degree
Skid is red and swollen
First degree
How long does it take for first degree burns to heal
Two to three days without special attention
Epidermis and upper dermis are damaged
Second degree
Partial thickness burns
First and second degree
In a third degree burn what does the area feel like?
Painless because it no longer has nerve endings
When are burns considered critical?
Over 25% of body has second degree burns
Over ten percent of he body has third degree burns
Third degree burns on face hands or feet
Regeneration is not possible
Third degree
Full thickness burns
Third degree
Why are facial burns particularly dangerous
Possibility of burns in respiratory passageway which can lead to suffocation from swelling
What must be done to great third degree burns
Skin grafting must be done to cover exposed skin
Inadequate circulation of blood cause by low blood volume
Circulatory shock
The immune system drastically declines how many days after burns
One to two
After twenty four hours what occurs
Pathogens easily invade area and multiply rapidly
Sun burn
First degree
Lois supply of fluids with proteins and electrolytes as they sleep through burns
Skin is red with blisters
Second degree
Only epidermis is damaged
First degree