Buildings Flashcards
What is the primary purpose of a Catholic church?
A place of worship where Catholics gather to celebrate their faith.
What is the most common form of worship in Catholic churches?
Mass or the Eucharist.
What does the term ‘Eucharist’ mean?
What is the significance of the orientation of Catholic churches?
Traditionally, they face east to pray toward the Holy Land and symbolize the resurrection.
What do towers and steeples in Catholic church architecture represent?
Prayer and worship rising up to heaven.
What architectural feature creates a space pointing up in churches?
Tall domes or vaulted ceilings.
What does a cruciform (cross-shaped) design in churches signify?
The importance of the death of Jesus.
How have modern church buildings changed since Vatican II?
They tend to be simpler in design, with some being circular to signify oneness.
What is often displayed in stained glass windows of churches?
Stories from the Bible or lives of the saints.
Complete the sentence: A church ought to be in good taste and a worthy place for _______.
[prayer and sacred ceremonial].
What does the term ‘real presence’ refer to in the context of the Eucharist?
The presence of Jesus in the sacrament of Holy Communion.
What does the design of modern circular churches signify?
The oneness of worshippers sharing in the sacrificial meal at the altar.
What does the term ‘sanctuary’ refer to in a church?
A holy place focused on public worship, where the altar, lectern, and tabernacle are located.
What is the function of the tabernacle in a Catholic church?
A safe-like place where the consecrated host is kept, reserved for the sick and for private prayer.
What action do Catholics perform towards the tabernacle?
Genuflect, going down on one knee in honor of the presence of Jesus reserved in the Blessed Sacrament.
What is the altar and its significance in the Mass?
A table structure where the priest consecrates bread and wine, reminding Christians of Jesus’ sacrifice.
What does the altar symbolize for Catholics?
It symbolizes a fellowship meal, recalling the Last Supper shared by Jesus and his disciples.
What is a crucifix?
A cross with an image of the crucified Christ, serving as a reminder of Jesus’ suffering and death.
What do Catholics believe about the death of Jesus?
It was the price he paid for their salvation and forgiveness of sins.
What is the purpose of the lectern in a Catholic church?
It is where the priest, deacon, or reader reads scripture during the Liturgy of the Word.
What is a lectionary?
A book containing a collection of scripture readings appointed for use on a given day.
What do people do with the holy water at the entrance of the church?
They sign themselves with water, making the sign of the cross to remind themselves of the Trinity and their baptism.
What is the baptismal font?
A big stone bowl filled with water where baptism takes place, marking the entry into Christianity.
Where was the baptismal font traditionally located in the church?
By the main door to show that people entered the Church through baptism.
True or False: The altar is often placed in a side chapel in modern churches.
Fill in the blank: The _______ lamp near the tabernacle reminds Catholics of the presence of God.
What is the main action that takes place at the altar during Mass?
The liturgy of the Eucharist.
What are Stations of the Cross used for in a Catholic church?
They are especially used in Lent to focus worship on the death of Jesus.
Stations of the Cross are a series of images depicting Jesus Christ on the day of his crucifixion.
What is commonly found around a Catholic church to help people pray?
Statues are usually found around the church to help people pray.
Statues often depict saints or significant figures in Catholicism.
Which statue is typically present in a Catholic church?
One of them will usually be of Our Lady.
Our Lady often refers to the Virgin Mary.
What is usually placed in front of the statue of Our Lady in a Catholic church?
Votive candles are probably placed in front of the statue.
Votive candles symbolize prayers offered to God.
In Catholic churches, what does a lighted candle symbolize?
It symbolizes their prayer.
Lighted candles are a common practice in many religious traditions as a form of devotion.
What type of glass is commonly used in Catholic churches?
Stained glass is commonly used in Catholic churches.
Stained glass windows often depict biblical stories or saints.