Building Systems 1 Flashcards
exhaust air
Any foul or unwanted air removed from a space by mechanical means.
The property of permitting passage of water or water vapor through a material without causing rupture or displacement.
wet standpipe
A vertical supply pipe for firefighting which is pressurized and filled with water to serve attached hoses on each floor within the building. A Siamese connection allows the water flow to be augmented from fire hydrants.
The heat transfer process which occurs when a warm fluid rises, displacing cold fluid which then falls.
kilowatt (kW)
A unit of electric power equal to 1000 watts.
A device consisting of a series of blades in a circular arrangement, driven by a motor or other prime mover to produce a current of air.
The portion of a building’s electrical system extending from the utility company’s wires to (and including) the main switch and meter.
dry pipe sprinkler
A sprinkler system whose pipes are normally pressurized with only air, thus being invulnerable to freezing temperatures. Upon actuation, the air is vented and supply pressure forces water through the system.
The abbreviation for either air-conditioning or alternating current, depending on the context.
The addition of small amounts of chlorine to a water source to kill bacteria.
dry standpipe
A vertical supply pipe for firefighting which is empty and must be connected to a fire hydrant by means of a Siamese connection and a pumper truck.
A faucet having a nozzle that is bent downward.
white noise
Innocuous background noise used to mask objectionable sounds.
A sound wave that has been reflected with sufficient magnitude and delay so that it is heard as a sound distinct from that transmitted directly.
The abbreviation for:
The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
The source of most of the standardized information on the subject.
thermal mass storage wall
A wall whose mass is composed of concrete, masonry, or containers filled with water, the purpose of which is to absorb and store solar heat.
total pressure
The pressure measured by a pilot tube, consisting of static pressure and velocity pressure. The total pressure of a non-moving fluid is equal to it’s static pressure.
Two or more cells which utilize the reaction of a chemical solution on two dissimilar metals to produce an electromotive force.
globe valve
A valve consisting of a circular plug or disc which is raised or lowered against a circular opening or seat, used for adjusting or throttling flow.
ionization detector
A fire detector which detects the products of combustion (POC) even before they are visible to the naked eye.
vent stack
A vertical pipe which vents several sanitary drainage lines, in order to break the siphoning suction which would occur when water passes down through the system.
heat exchanger
Any device used for transferring heat from one fluid to another, where the fluids are physically separated.
The abbreviation for Uniform Building Code, one of the most widely-used model building codes in the United States.
Either June 21st (summer solstice) or December 21st (winter solstice), the first day of summer (or winter), the longest (or shortest) day of the year.
absolute humidity
The weight of water vapor per unit volume of air.
The transfer of heat by direct contact, from hotter molecules to cooler molecules.
degree day (dd)
The amount by which the average outdoor temperature at a particular location is below 65 degrees Farenheit for one day. Degree days may also be summed and stated for a month or a year.
wet bulb temperature (WBT)
The temperature attained by a glass thermometer whose bulb is covered with a wet sock and placed in an air stream moving at 1000 cubic feet per minute.
reverberation time
The time required for the sound pressure level to decrease 60dB after the original sound stops.
The ratio of reflected to incident light falling on a surface.
eutectic salts
Materials used to store and release heat by means of their latent heat capacity, that is, they alternately melt and solidify in the normal solar operating temperature range of 80 to 160 degrees Farenheit.
A device which converts power in one kind of system to power in another form, such as a loudspeaker which converts electric power to acoustic power.
Hartford loop
A plumbing arrangement on steam boilers to avoid rapid loss of water in the boiler due to a break in the the condensate return line. It is also referred to as an underwriter’s loop.
A switch, usually magnetically operated, which is used to open and close an electrical circuit.
active solar system
A heating or cooling system that collects and moves solar heat with the assistance of mechanical power.
A U-shaped tube used to transfer liquid from an upper level to a lower one by suction.
A common sewer that receives wastewater only from building sewers.
cross connection
Any connection by means of which nonpotable, used, or contaminated water or other liquid can enter any part of a potable water system.
Helmholtz resonator
A sound-absorbing device consisting of an enclosed body of air confined within rigid walls and connected by a narrow opening to the space around it. It is also known as a cavity resonator.
The end of a pipe which is enlarged to receive the end of another pipe so as to form a joint. It is also called a hub.
HEPA filter
A high-efficiency particulate air filter, which removes dust and other tiny particles from a moving air stream.
cavity resonator
A sound-absorbing device consisting of an enclosed body of air confined within rigid walls and connected by a narrow opening to the space around it. It is also known as a Helmholtz resonator.
A device consisting of a grille and damper to control the amount of air passing through it.
backflow preventer
A plumbing device used to prevent nonpotable water from flowing into the potable water system.
sound pressure level
The sound pressure at a location expressed in newtons per square meter, or more commonly in dB referred to 2×10(-5) newtons per square meter.
A heat exchanger in which refrigerant vapor is condensed (liquefied), releasing heat to an external medium.
hertz (Hz)
The frequency of a sound, or of an alternating current, equal to the number of cycles per second.
A device inserted in an airstream to modulate, restrict, or divert the flow of air.
The method of using a heated surface and the resulting convection to move a fluid out of a space. In solar hot water heaters, the collector is below the storage tank, and the water is circulated automatically by convection when it is heated. Thermosiphoning may also be used to ventilate a building by sending the warmed air out the top, and siphoning in cooler air at the bottom.
passive solar design
The practice of orienting and sizing a building, its windows, and its internal masses in such a way that it responds to the sun and climate, without the use of mechanical equipment.
A closed vessel in which water is heated in order to produce steam or hot water.
variable air volume (VAV)
An air-conditioning system which accommodates thermal load changes by varying the flow of supply air into a conditioned space instead of varying the temperature of the supply air.
mean radiant temperature (MRT)
The weighted average of all of the temperatures of all of the surfaces visible from a given position.
A vertical pipe used to conduct water from a roof drain or gutter to the ground. It is also called a downspout.
fusible link
A piece of wax or paraffin which melts at a predetermined temperature, setting off a sprinkler head, an alarm system, or otherwise actuating a fire protection or device.
life-cycle cost
The total lifetime cost of an item or system, which includes it’s initial cost, operating costs, maintenance costs, and repair costs, less any salvage value.
A conduit made of sheet metal or other material for conveying air at low pressures.
A continuous and unobstructed means of egress to a public way. It’s minimum width is generally 44 inches.
Referring to the use of air, especially under pressure, usually to operate machinery.
fire damper
A damper provided with a fusible link and operated by gravity or springs, which closes off an air duct in the event of fire, so as to prevent fire and smoke from spreading through the duct.
The abbreviation for cubic feet per minute,which is the flow rate of air in a mechanical system or duct.
psychometric chart
A chart showing the interactions of wet bulb, dry bulb, and dewpoint temperatures, relative and absolute humidities, enthalpy, and sensible heat ratio.
Trombe wall
A thermal storage wall consisting of an external glass skin and an inner wall with a layer of air between, which warms the room behind it by convection.
nonpotable water
Water which is not fit for drinking.
Describing a substance that gives off light at a different wavelength from that of x-rays, ultraviolet rays, or other rays to which the substance is exposed, as in a fluorescent lamp.
decibel (dB)
A logarithmic measure of sound intensity, expressing the ratio between a given sound being measured and a reference level. The reference level generally corresponds to the faintest audible sound.
Siamese fitting
A Y-shaped hose attachment at the base of a building, which allows the fire department to connect two supply hoses to provide or augment water flow to a standpipe.
ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)
A special circuit breaker equipped with an actuating device which will trip the circuit breaker in the event leakage current to ground exceeds about 0.0005 of an ampere.
Relating to a general or surrounding condition. In thermal processes, it refers to the air temperature, as distinct from that of surfaces or objects. In lighting, it refers to the background light level, and in acoustics, it refers to the background noise level.
A piece of equipment which cools water for use in an air-conditioning system.
latent heat
The heat added to or removed from a substance when it changes it’s temperature, as when water freezes or vaporizes.
septic tank
A watertight receptacle designed to receive sewage. Solids are separated from the liquid and digested through an anaerobic action, while the effluent is discharged into seepage pits or drain fields.
A vertical pipe used to conduct water from the roof drain or gutter to the ground. It is also called a leader.
A device which changes the voltage of an AC circuit to a higher or lower level.
The flow of heat by electromagnetic waves between two objects not in contact, through space or a medium.
Describing a form of alternating current produced by a generator having three rotating coils positioned 120 degrees apart.
pressure relief valve
A valve designed to open automatically to relieve pressure within a system.
air changes per hour
The ratio of the volume of air supplied to or exhausted from a space, per hour, to the volume of the space.
A unit of weight, where 7000 grains equal one pound; used primarily as a measure of the weight of moisture in air.
thermal resistance (r)
A measure of the resistance of a specific thickness of a given material to the passage of heat; the reciprocal of conductance.
potable water
Water which is suitable for drinking.
cooling tower
A structure used to evaporatively cool a liquid (usually water) by contact with air.
direct current (DC)
An electric current that flows in only one direction.
A compressible material placed between two surfaces to prevent leakage.
sprinkler system
A system used to extinguish fires automatically by releasing water or other substances.
wye connection
A method of connecting the windings on a three-phase transformer in which one end of all three windings is connected to a common neutral center point, forming a Y shape. It is also known as a star connection.
An electrical device used with fluorescent and other lamps to provide starting voltage and regulate current flow through the lamp.
A decibel measured in the A scale, which is weighted to account for the special sensitivities of the human ear.
A machine for compressing air or gases. As a basic component of an air-conditioning system, a compressor draws vaporized refrigerant from the evaporator, compresses it, and discharges it to a condenser.
ampere (amp)
The unit of electrical flow.
building authorization
The control, by automatic equipment, of many functions in a large building, usually including the HVAC system, the fire detection and alarm system, and building security.
The wire or conductor in an electrical system which is equidistant in voltage from the phase conductors of the system. It is not the same as ground.
An organized body of rules and regulations adopted and enforced by a governmental agency, such as building code.
A device for trapping grease, sand, hair, string, buttons, and so on, installed in the drains of certain types of fixtures.
dry bulb temperature (DBT)
The temperature of air as read on an ordinary glass thermometer.
star connection
A method of connecting the windings on a three-phase transformer in which one end of all three windings is connected to a common neutral center point, forming a Y-shape. It is also known as a wye connection.
flame-spread rating
A numerical classification indicating the rate at which flame will spread over the surface of a given material. Class I materials have the least flame-spread and Class III has the most.
live load
The vertical load caused by the use and occupancy of a building, not including wind, earthquake, or dead loads.
A symbol indicating the degree of acidity or alkalinity of a solution; pH7 represents a neutral solution, lower values indicate acidity, higher values alkalinity.
fusible sprinkler head
A sprinkler head normally closed by a plug of low melting point alloy. When subject to a predetermined temperature, the plug melts or fuses and allows water to flow out.
The resistance to current flow in an AC circuit. Impedance may consist of resistance, reactance, or a combination of the two. The unit of impedance is the ohm.
Pertaining to hearing, sound, or the science of sound.
sound reflectance
The phenomenon which occurs when sound bounces off hard, rigid, and flat surfaces such as concrete, brick, stone, or glass.
A portion of a building controlled by a single thermostat, because its spaces have similar heating or cooling needs.
The abbreviation for the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which regulates working conditions.
The unit of sound absorption equivalent to the absorption of one square foot of open window.
specific heat
The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of one pound of a given substance 1°F, measured in BTUs.
expansion valve
A valve in a refrigeration system which controls the flow and reduces the pressure of the refrigerant, allowing it to evaporate and absorb heat.