Building Efficiency Flashcards


Suppose there is a large commercial building going up near your campus (Portland or KF). State a passive Green Building Technologies (GBTs), and an active GBTs that would improve this building’s “Green rating” compared to traditional construction. For each item, explain how it provides environmental and/or economical improvement.


Some Possible passive answers:
• Green facades/roofing - particularly on the south side of a building in the Klamath Falls area, this would reduce solar heating during the summer months, and depending on the greenery provide additional insulative properties during winter months, resulting in reduced heating/cooling costs
• Selecting building materials with higher insulative properties can reduce heating and cooling costs, which has a net reduction in GHG production from electricity production assuming 100% renewable power is not available.
• Maximizing air tightness of the building has been shown to increase the HVAC efficiency, leading to lower energy usage and thereby lower GHG emissions.
• Selecting exterior colors that reflect maximum sunlight in warmer areas to reduce cooling costs
• Design the building to provide maximum daylight to reduce lighting needs and costs

Some Possible active answers:
• Solar roofing provides reduced energy bills, lowers GHG emissions, and often provides tax credits as well
• Installing higher efficiency HVAC systems. Lower cost of heating and cooling. Lower energy use = lower GHG
• Renewable or high efficiency hot water production = reduced GHG, and possible reduction in cost of water heating
• In lieu of or in addition to daylighting passively, using high efficiency bulbs when and where electric lighting is needed can massively reduce energy usage for lighting, providing economic and environmental improvements.

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