Building DNA and genomes Flashcards
What are the two types of enzyme needed for traditional DNA cloning?
Restriction enzymes and DNA ligase.
What enzyme integrates the digested gene into the plasmid DNA?
DNA ligase.
Name three disadvantages of traditional DNA cloning methods.
- Time-consuming
- Only joins two parts at a time
- Restriction sites leave a ‘scar’
- Requires compatible restriction sites in the DNA
What is the name of the example of modular DNA building blocks?
What is a limitation of modular DNA building like BioBrick?
They leave a bunch of unwanted regions (i.e. BioBrick ‘prefix/suffix’ DNA)
What is the rapid method of DNA assembly we look at?
Gibson assembly.
Name three advantages of Gibson over traditional assembly.
- Leaves no scars.
- Up to 15 fragments at the same time.
- Rapid (~15 mins)
Name the three enzymes involved in Gibson assembly.
- Exonucleases
- DNA polymerase
- DNA ligase
What is the role of exonucleases in Gibson assembly?
Creating single-strand overhangs (at the 5’ end) of around 20-40bp.
What are the two sources of DNA for cloning?
- Genomic DNA
- Reverse-transcribed cDNA
What is the difference in terms of content between genomic DNA and cDNA?
cDNA is derived from mRNA transcripts, thus contains no introns.
What is the type of chemistry involved in oligonucleotide synthesis?
Phosphoramidite chemistry.
We can add a number of overlapping oligonucleotides together and combine them with DNA polymerase. This new DNA can then be amplified. What is the name of this process?
Polymerase cycling assembly.
What are two weaknesses of polymerase cycling assembly?
- High G-C content leads to issues.
- Oligonucleotide synthesis is error-prone (even commercial options)
Why can codon optimisation for some gene transformations necessary?
Some organisms are biassed towards using certain codons - thus, the same sequence may be less efficient in a non-native host.
What are two reasons for using DNA as a digital storage medium?
- Dry DNA can survive stably for hundreds of millennia.
- Highly efficient (700tb = 1g of DNA)
When was the first synthetic genome produced? What type of organism was it?
A bacteriophage genome was synthesised in 2003.
What is the very first step of genome synthesis?
Having the entire natural genome correctly sequenced.
What are three applications of a synthetic bacteriophage genome?
- Study function (e.g. create new variants)
- Create attenuated viruses for vaccines.
- Resurrect viruses for biocontrol of invasive pests.
What was the first bacterial genome to be synthesised? Why this one?
Mycoplasma genitalium, as it has the smallest known genome.
For biosecurity and intellectual property reasons, what is added to synthetic genomes?
DNA ‘watermarks’.
What failed with the first attempt at synthesising a bacterial genome?
BACs were unstable at large sizes - yeast artificial chromosomes and a yeast cell host had to be used instead.
What was the natural method used for assembly in the second attempt at synthesising a bacterial genome?
Homologous recombination.
Did the second attempt at synthesising a bacterial genome utilise Mycoplasma species again?
What can show researchers which genes are critical for cell survival?
Mutagenesis of the genome.
Do minimal bacterial cells evolve at the same rate as normal cells?
Approximately how much of a bacterial genome was removed by researchers to create a minimal viable cell?
Were researchers able to synthesise a yeast genome?
Still underway.
What is the big hurdle when jumping between synthesising bacterial and yeast genomes?
Yeast has multiple (16) chromosomes.
What type of codon is a good candidate for reprogramming (i.e. assigning a non-canonical amino acid to it)?
Stop codons (UAG, UAA, UGA)
What would be the three main steps of assigning a new amino acid to a stop codon?
- Knock out the gene for the stop codon release factor.
- Add a tRNA synthetase for the new amino acid.
- Remove all naturally-occurring appearances of the reassigned stop codon.
The first synthesised bacterial genome was ~1,000,000bp. How big is the candidate yeast genome?
14,000,000bp - 14x bigger.
Approximately how many DNA fragments were needed in the first and second attempts at bacterial genome synthesis?
~100 and ~1,000.
Did assembly occur in a bacterial cell or a yeast cell for the first successful synthesis of a bacterial genome?
Assembly occurred via homologous recombination in a yeast host cell.