Building and Maintaining Relationship Flashcards
pumasa sa finals haha
A domestic cluster of people with some degree of affinity, whether through blood, adoption, or marriage.
The key to working out conflicts.
Created with people you encounter every day, people who are not family members, friends or romantic interests.
Casual Relationship
Being with someone you respect and is respected in return and you can truly be yourself without any pretenses.
Intimate Relationship
Each partner is a whole individual, not just a part of a couple.
Romantic Relationship
When the estrogen and testosterone have become active for the first time.
Described as a person you know well and consider with affection, trust, and respect.
The old saying “love is blind” is applied during this stage.
The stage when you’ve gone through the fantasy love and are entering into “real love”.
The influencer that shapes how students use resources creates experiences, and how to relate to the outside world.
School Culture
One of the strongest relationship of youth adjustment, social and motivational development, and achievement.
Teacher Support
They are an important influence in adolescents’ lives and may do so even in the face of potentially negative peer influence.
A valuable aid for learning cultural values, if properly planned and implemented.
This is desirable not only because it reflects a positive social position but also because being popular may offer specific advantages.
Being Popular
It is transforming the basics of how we relate to others.
Social Media