Building a Civilization of Love Flashcards
Define agape.
The Greek term for unconditional and sacrificial love; the type of love with which God loves us.
Define anthropology.
The overall study of man and what it means to be a human person.
Define birth control.
Normally refers to the general method of preventing pregnancy through various ways of altering or changing the body’s natural state of fertility into a state of infertility.
Define contraception.
Every action before, during, or after sexual intercourse that deliberately attempts to impede its procreative potential (CCC 2370).
Define corporal works of mercy.
These are actions of love that meet the physical needs of others. The seven works include feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick, visiting the imprisoned, giving drink to the thirsty, and burying the dead. The word “corporal” comes from the Latin word for body.
Define encyclical.
A letter written by the pope, normally addressed to the bishops of the world (and sometimes to the wider audience of all the faithful), usually intended to teach or clarify a doctrine of the Faith.
Define fornication.
Having sex outside of marriage.
(Free, Total, Faithful, and Fruitful) Define free.
is love that is not controlled or manipulated by another person or by a disordered desire. No one is forcing you to love. You love freely because you want to.
(Free, Total, Faithful, and Fruitful) Define total.
is love without strings attached that holds nothing back. In total love, you make a gift of yourself to another – total self-donation.
(Free, Total, Faithful, and Fruitful) Define faithful.
Love that is committed. That commitment guides all other actions. You keep your promises once you have made them, no matter how your feelings may change.
(Free, Total, Faithful, and Fruitful) Define fruitful.
Love that is life-giving, because it is free, total, and faithful. It is open to procreation in the physical realm and is life-giving in the spiritual and emotional realm as well.
Define humanae vitae.
Pope Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical on human life. It is most famous for its clear and definitive teaching on why contraception is immoral and sinful, explaining that it separates the sexual act from one if its intrinsic purposes: procreation.
Define language of the body.
The capability of the body to speak its own language and to communicate without words.
Define language of love.
Generally speaking, the words that speak truth and compassion. Specifically regarding the body, the truth and totality of self, communicated through the body in sexual intercourse.
Define natural family planning (NFP).
The term referring to various effective, natural, and moral methods for achieving or postponing pregnancy.