Build Ups- Barre Flashcards
P- (centre) Knee bends in 1st
G1- (face barre) Demi plié in 1st, grand plié in 2nd
- Rise in 1st and 2nd
G2- (face barre) Grand plié in 1st and 3rd
- Rise in 3rd
G3- (sideways) Use of simple port de bras
- Grand plié in 4th ouverte
- Rise in 4th ouverte
G4- Grand plié in 4th crossed and 5th
- Rise in 4th crossed and 5th
G5- (different setting) (2 positions on both sides or 4 positions on one side)
- Forwards and sideways port de bras in 4 counts
G6- (2 positions on both sides or 4 positions on one side)
- Rise with a balance
Inter- Backwards port de bras
- Port de bras in 6 counts
- Sustained balance to end
Battement Tendus
P- (Knee bends) Dégagé to 2nd
G1- Battement tendus en croix in 4 counts
G3- Battement tendus en croix closing to a demi plié in 4 counts
- Simple arm coordination
G4- (Combined with grand battement) Battement tendus en croix in 2 counts
G5- (free setting) combined with battement glissé to 2nd
- alternating legs
- anything previously
G6- (free setting)
- anything previously
- battement glissé en cloche
Inter- battement tendu from a demi plié
- transfer of weight to 2nd in 4 counts on straight legs or en demi-plié
Battement Glissé
G5- battement glissé to 2nd from 1st
G6- battement glissé en cloche
Inter- en croix closing to straight legs or demi plié in 2 counts
- closing to straight legs in 1 count
- transfer of weight to 2nd in 4 counts on straight legs or en demi-plié
- (set exercise) from a demi-plié
Ronds De Jambe
G2- (free setting) (à terre) en dedans and en dehours in 4 counts
G3- (free setting) (à terre)en dedans and en dehours in 2 counts
G4- (free setting) (à terre) en dedans and en dehours in 1 count
G5- (set) (en l’air) en dedans and en dehours in 1 count
G6- (set) (en l’air) combined with battement fondu
Inter- (free) (à terre) combined with battement soutenus and assemblé soutenus
- (set) (en l’air) double and double to a rise
Assemblé Soutenu
G2- (set) en dedans and en dehors in 4 counts
G3- (set) en dedans and en dehors in 2 counts
G4- (set) (adage-centre) posé assemblé soutenu en tournant
Inter- (free) battement soutenu en croix closing on whole foot or demi-pointe
- demi assemblé soutenu
- assemblé soutenu closing on demi pointe