bug parade part 1 Flashcards
organisums that affect the skin
Mycobacterium tuerculosis streptococcus penemoniae Bacillus anthracis ebola yersina borelia and treponema (spirochetes) staphylococcus
orgnanisums that affect the tespiratory /pulmonary
mycobacterium tuberculosis streptococcus penemoniae bacillus anthracis yersina ebola
orgnisums that affect the GI tract?
clostrium difficile helicobacter pylori bacillus anthracis yersina ebola
organisums that affect the Urogenital system?
Nesseria chlamydia Borlia and Treponema (spirochets) ebola
organisums that affect the central nervouse system?
Borelia and Treponaema (spirochetes) ebola neisseria
what are the 5 sub types of Ebola?
Zaire Sudan Cote d’lvoire Bundibugyo reston ebolavirus
which sub type of ebola is non pathogenic to humans?
reston ebolavirus
symptoms of ebola days 5-9?
Fatigue, headache fever chills
symptoms of ebola day 10?
High fever, vomiting blood rash passive behavior
symptoms of ebola day 11?
in a small fraction of cases, bleeding from noses , mouthm eyes and anus
symptoms of ebola day 12?
Patients may develop seizures, internal bleeding, loss of consciousness, death
what is MHF?
Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever.
where did Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever orriginate?
1967 Marburg and Frankfurt germany at vaccine production facilities -25 peole working with african Green monkeys, -spread to 6 family members - seven deaths (28%) mortality
what is EHF?
Ebola hemorrhagic Eever.
where did Ebola Hemorrhagic fever orriginate?
-1976 dule outbreaks , democratic republic of congo and Sudan -55- cases 88% and 53% mortality in DRC and Sudan respectively. -first documanted cases but African tribes have knowlege of previous outbreaks throught history.
______ faced a fresh outbreak of Hemorrhagic fever 2012?
Uganda outbreak came after earlier that moth uganda had been declared free of Ebola
what was the largest outbreak in history of Ebola?
west africa 2014-2016 28,652 Laboratory -confirmed cases -15,261 totoal death -11,325
West african Ebola virus outbreak as of sept. 5 2014.
Senegal- 1 case -0 deaths Guinea -812 cases- 517 deaths Sierra Leone- 1,261 Cases -491 deaths -Liberia- 1,871 cases- 1,089 deaths -Nigeria -22 cases- 8 deaths. -Democratic Republic of the Congo - 53 cases, 31 deaths.
what is Ebola
-the most lethal virus known to man. -transforms virtually every part of the body into a digested slime of virus particles. -kills 50 to 90% of the inected persons compared to Anthrax’s 25%
Term meaning to cross ofver the species barrier
ebola trasmission
- reservoir is not known but Bats have been strongly associated with Ebola but antibodies are rarely found in thier blood. - some areas have been used to keep wild anim als in as a staging post before shipping overseas to zoo, wildlife parks and private collectors. -hoever some animals can be infected by numerouse viruses and can mix recombine to form new strains. -could be a melting pot allowing this mixing of viruses -hot zones
ebola history
1976 west becomes aware of this killer -tropical medican in Antwerp, Belgium Peter piot -27 year old scientist and medical school graduate training as a clinical microbiologist. -from a Belgian doctor based in Zaire now the Democratic Republic of Cogno -blood fof a nun from Belgium who fell ill with a mysterious illness which he couldnt identify -when placed under a electron microscope -they saw a gigantic worm sturcture, gigantit by viral standards -virus looked like that of the Marburg virus.
when was the Marburg virus forst recognized in _______ when 31 people become ill with ___________ in the cities of ______ and ____ Germany and in _________ the capital of Yugoslavia?
1967 hemorrhagic fever Marburg Frankfurt Belgrade
This Marburg out break was associated with _______ who where working with ______ imported from _____- seven people died?
laboratory staff infected monkeys Uganda
The Ebola virus works as a ______ shark or a _____ in that it will not stop until every cell in the body is destroyed
molecular terminator
Ebola’s family history revealed? ancestors of killer viruses are 23 _____ years ols and could lead to _______?
million new vaccines
_____ likely existed in the _______ and at that time the evolutionary lines leading to _____ and ____ had already diverged , the study concludes?
Filoviruses Miocene Epoch Ebola Marburg
Scientist belive that the Filovirus came into being some ______ years ago coinciding with the rise of ______? But the New Study pushes back the family’s age to the time when _______?
10,000 agriculture great apes arose
Ebola!!!! symptoms
fever severe headache Muscle pain Weakness Diarrhea Vomiting Abdominal pain Unexplained hemorrhage -bleeding or brusing
symptoms of ebola may apper anywhere from _____ to _____ days ______ exposure to Ebola. the average is _____ days.
2 21 after 10
Recovery from Ebola depends on _____ ? People who recover from Ebola infection develop ______ that last for at least ______ ?
good supportive clinical care patients immune response. 10 years
symptoms of Ebola are common to _______ including the ____? common with around 13 other illnesses.
infections flu
Progression of Disease Ebola Small _______ ___ begin to appear in the ______ and the blood ______ and _____, and ______ begin to stick to the walls of _____ _____.
blood clots bloodstream thickens slows clots blood vessels
Ebola Shuts off _____ ____ to various parts of the body causing ____ ____ to appear in the ____ , ____ , ____,____,_____,____.____, and throughout the skin?
blood supply dead spots brain liver kidneys lungs intestins testicls breast tissue
other side effects of Ebola include the _____ turning brilliant red and _____ ____ it is siad to be extreamly painful. this may occure during one of the rushes of _______ _____ ?
tongue sloughs off black vomit
Ebola side effects skin sloughs off of the _____,____,_____ then slides down the windpipe into the lungs where it is coughed up with _____?
tounge back of the throt lining of the wind pipe sputum
Ebloa side effects the ____ becomes clogges with _____ _____ ____ a condition knows as ___- of the brain?
brain dead blood cells sludging
Ebola side effects. Ebola attacks the _____ of the ____causing the to fill up with blood. this may result in ____? patients with Ebloa weep ____ that refuses to _____?
lining eyeballs blindness blood coagulate
Ebola side effects. in some patients a _____ _____ may occure where one whole side of the body is _____? this is invariably fatal in t=a case of Ebola
hemispherical stroke paralyzed
Ebola side effects. with Ebola while the body’s internal organs become plugged with ________ _______. the blood that streams out of the body cannot ____?
coagulated blood clot
Ebola side effects. ebloa kills a great deal of _____ while the host is still alive.
Ebola side effects. Ebola turns the _____ yellow and begins to liquefy cracks run across it as it _____ and becomes _____.
liver dies putrid
Ebola side effects. Plugged with dead cells and blood clots the ______ cease functioning causing them to fail. this causes the blood stream to become ____ with ___
Kidneys toxic urine
Ebola side effects. The ______ turns into a single huge, hard blood clot the size of a baseball.
as the _____ fill with blood the lining of the ____ dies and sloughs off into the ____ and is defecated alone with large amounts of ____.
intestines gut bowels blood
Ebola side effects. in Men the _____ bloat and turn black and blue the ____ turns ____ and the ______ may bleed.
testicals semen hot nipples
Ebola side effects. In Women the _____ turns ____, _______ and _______ and there may be massive ______ bleeding.
labia blue livid protrusive vaginal
Ebola side effects. Pregnate woman- the child is _____ spontaneously and is usally ____ with the Viruse. the child is Born with red ____ and a bloody _____.
aborted infected eyes bose
Victums often go into _____ ____ during the final stages of Ebola , this is witnessed as the whole body ____ and _____ and the arms and legs thrash around, the bloody eyes roll into the head. during this the patient may _______ blood around ____- the virus.
epiletic convulsions twitch shakes splatter spreading
Spreading of Ebola splashing fo blood is one of Ebola’s strategies for success spreading the blood causing it to go ______ thus giving the virus a ____ to jump to a new host.
arersols chance
Cellular level progression of disease. Ebola and Marburg multiplies so rapidly and powerfully that the body’s infected cells become ________ ____ blocks of packed virus particls. these blocks are broods of virus getting ready to _____ from the cell known as ____
crystal- like hatch bricks
Ebola cellular level of progression. - the bricks first appear near the _____ of the cell and then ____ towards the ______.
bricks center surface
Ebola cellular level of progression. -As the crystals reaches a cell wall it _____ into hundreds of _____ ____ _____ and the ______ push through the cell wall like hair and float away in the _______ _____ of the host
disintegrates individual virus particles broodlings blood stream
Ebola cellular level of progression. - The Hatched Ebola particles _____ to cells everywhere in the body, and get ____ them and continue to _____ . It keeps on multiplying until areas of _______ all through the body are filled with ______ witch ___- and more Ebola particles drift into the ______.
cling inside multiply tissue crystalloids hatch bloodstream
Ebola cellular level of progression. -The amplification continues ______ until a ____ of the hosts blood can contain _____ million individual particles.
inexorably droplet 100
Ebola cellular level of progression. -After death the corpse’s _____ _____ , ____ and ____ already peppered with dead spots, heated by _____ and damaged by _____ begin to ___- and fluids that leak from the ____ are saturated with Ebola virus Particles. Every particle is ready and able to begin this cylce in a new host over and over again.
connective tissue skin organs fever shock liquefy cadaver
Ebola:molecualr level Transmitted via direct contact with ____ and _____
skin blood
Ebola:molecualr level Electron micrographs show ____ ____ charcteristic of the ____ ___ family.
long filaments Filoviridae viral
Ebola:molecualr level The ____ ____ work as a relentless machine, they ______ the body as the virus makes ____ of itself.
seven proteins consume copies
Ebola:molecualr level Unlike other viruses resembles a ____ instead of the more normally shaped _____.
thread peppercorn
Ebola:molecualr level scientists have dubbed Ebola the _____ ____ due to its’s shape.
shepeherds Rod
Ebola:molecualr level The causative agent of a severe form of ___ ____ ____ in human with a ____ ___ fatality rate. The Ebola virion is ____ in diameter and up to _____ long. it contains both ______ ___ ___ and structures taken from the host cell.
viral hemorrhagic fever 50-90% 80 nm 1400 nm virus-encoded proteins
Ebola:molecualr level ____ is a transmembrane fuston protein. It forms ___ on the virion surface and mediates virus attachment and entery to the host cell.
GP trimers
Ebola:molecualr level The viral membrane may contain ____ ____ such as components of the histocompatibility complex or other surface receptors which in some cases ______ increase the _____ of the enveloped viruses.
human proteins can infectivity
Ebola:molecualr level ____ and ____ are Ebola major and minor matrix ____. They form a layer beneath the ____ and are crucial for virus ______.
VP40 VP24 proteins
Ebola:molecualr level Tubular virons in the center of the particle is the ______ _____ which consists of the ________ _____ genome wrapped about the ____ , ____ ,____ and _______proteins.
viral nucleocapsid helical ssRNA NP VP35 VP30 L
Ebola :Mode of Action 1. _____ and _____ tissues attached. 2. _______ cells attacked.
blood vessels connection tissue immune cells
Ebola :Mode of Action Ebola replication overwhelms ____ of Infected cells and ____ ____ defenses with the production of _____ _______
protein synthesis host immune 2 glycoprotiens
Ebola :Mode of Action ______ which binds the virus to the ____ _____ lining theinterior surface of ____ ___. This reduces specific ____ responsible for cell _____ to the inter-cellular structure and the ____ ___ between cells begin to fall apart.
GP1 endothelial cells blood vessels integrins adhesion tight Juctions
Ebola :Mode of Action As the blood vessel walls become damaged and ____ are unable to _______ , patients succumb to _____ shock.
platelets coagulate hypovolemic
Ebola :Mode of Action A _______ form of the _____ interferes with ____- signaling which allows the virus to evade the immune system by inhibiting early steps of ____ _____.
secretory GP2 neutrophils netrophil activation.
Ebola :Mode of Action Viral particals and cell damage resulting from _____ causes the ____ of ____ which are associated with _____ and _______.
budding release cytokines fever inflammation
Ebola :Mode of Action after death the infected body is also _____ away from the inside. compared to black and red ________ ____
corroding tapioca pudding
Ebola: Immune Response Ebola triggers a ____ ____ inflammation and ____ and can also damage many types of _____ in the body.
system wide fever tissues
Ebola: Immune Response Filo viruses infect _____, _____ and ____ ___ causing the release of large amounts of ________ inflammatory _______.
moncytes macrophages dendritic cells destructive cytokines
Ebola: Immune Response Consequences are especially profound in the ______, where Ebola wipes out cells required to produce _____ ____ and other important components of plasma.
liver coagulation proteins
Ebola: Immune Response Damaged cells in the gastrointestinal tract leas to ____ that often puts patients at risk of _____.
diarrhea dehydration
Ebola: Immune Response And in the _____ ____ the Evola virus cripples the cells that make ___ to regulate blood pressure and causes ____ ___ that can starve organs of _______.
adrenal gland steroids circulatory failure oxygen
Ebola: Immune Response ____ and _____ ___ normally play vital roles in stimulating the ______ immune sytem also called _____ as well as activating ____ and _____ cells.
Monocytes dendritic cells adaptive Antibodies CD4 Helper T
Ebola: Immune Response ____ cells are killers of _____ ____ infected with a pathogen and also initate ____ and _____ lymphocytes..also refered to as____ ____ to novel antigens. this causes the immune system to go haywire!!!!
Dentritic host cells T B Antibody production
Ebola: Immune Response ________ are not being made because ______ interferes with nearly every step in the process.
Interferons VP35
Ebola: Immune Response ________ ____ cells are trapped inside the circulatory system because ____- limits thier movement.
White blood sGP
Ebola:molecualr level L protien- stand for _____ Ebola protein- the _______. it is responsible for the _____ of ____ sense viruse ____.
large polymerase synthesis positive RNA
Ebola:molecualr level Ebola _RNA_ is packed with ____ protein. together they make a _______ -a spiral structure in the very ____ of the virion.
NP nucleocapsid center
Ebola:molecualr level ______ and ______ are minor Ebola proteins. They act as _______ ______ and _______ _______ factors.
VP35 VP30 interferon antagonists transcription activation
Ebola:molecualr level the budding viral particle is wrapped in the ____ ____ taken from the human cell
lipid membrane
Ebola:molecualr level Tubular virons- in the center of the particle is the viral ______ which consists of the ______ ______ genome wrapped about the ____, ____, ____ and ___ proteins.
nucleocapsid helical ssRNA NP VP35 VP30 L
Cures and Treatments: no cure yet. Due to the extream ____- doctors reseachers must wear level ____ contamination suits the equivelant of _____ .
biohazerd 4 spacesuit
Cure and Treatments: it cost a lot of money to keep someone with Ebola alive. you need specialised ____ and proper ____ such as labs ect. most cases are hopeless
scientist equipment
Ebola Cures and Treatments: african tribes had a strategy. ____ and _______ village elders enacted self _______. they would put the diseaded in a straw hut and then _____ it down when they’re ____. next they waited out the disease until new infections cease. simple and effective
time quarantine quarntine burn
why do some people survive ebola: patients fare better with supportive care, including _____ or ______ rehydration that can buy time for the body to fight off the infection.
oral intravenous
why do some people survive ebola: studies from patients during the 2000 outbreak of a diffrent ebola strain in ____ have also identified genes and other markers that seem to be predictive of survival.
why do some people survive ebola: Uganda outbreak patients who recovered had a higher level of _____ ___ ____ in thier blood and had certain variants of a gene that codes for ____ ___ that white blood cells use to ______.
activated T Cells surface protiens communicate
why do some people survive ebola: uganda outbreak. A new association between survival and levels of ______ a protein produced by ____- that could be part of the bodys’s attempt to repair damaged blood vessels.
sCD40L platelets
why do some people survive ebola: Markers like _____ suggest new theries that augment the _______ mechanisms most important for survival
sCD40L repair
Ebola future: ____ show a signifigant immune response which leads scientist to belive that ___ might be the carrier
Bats Bats
Adeno viruses
When the vaccine enters a cell and deliver theier genetic cargo the ___ inserted genes produce a protein that generates an immune response in the body but the _____ carrying gene is not replicated.
two adenovirus
vaccines ebola Phase 1 clinical trial in late 2015 or early 2016 vaccine _____ also seeks to provide protection against ____ ____ ____
crucell Murburg haemorrhagic fever
ebola vaccine : VSV-EBOV vaccine combined a fragment of the ebola virus with another safer virus in order to train the immune system to beat Ebola. usees a Ebola ____ spliced into ____ ____ ___
protein vesicular stomatitis virus
ebola summary ebola resembles a ____ unlike other viruses that have spherical protien coats. Outbreaks in central africa between 1976 and 1996 killed over 1000 people not many but he fear is overwealming. the main symptoms are ____ and _____ your body liquefies from the inside and ___ seeps from every orfice - after 2014 pressure to make ____ years worth of reasearch accomplised in a few months Clinical trials underway ______ ________ from survivors attempted and been successful ( unlike Africa in the 1990’s blood could be screened and products seperated
thread hemorrhige fever blood