Budget Flashcards
AFS due date
Introduce and Approve Budget
Earliest 1/1
Latest 2/10 (always extended)
Publication date
At least 10 days before hearing
3 days before 2nd hearing (if amended in 1st hearing)
Budget Hearing
28 days after approval
Adopt Budget Date
Earliest: 1/29
Latest: 3/20 *
Trouble Municipality Criteria
Default bond oblig.; state, county or school district unpaid for 2 years, cash deficit of preceding yr > 4% of total tax levy, bonds approp 25% of appropriations,
70% of tax collection
Local Budget Law
NJSA 40A:4-1
What must budget message contain at minimum (page 3c)
Explanation of the cap and a summary of appropriations appearing in both the inside and outside the cap sections for both appropriation CAP & Tax Levy CAP
Municipal Excess Liability System (MEL)
Gov entity that provides excess insurance and services
Contingent Expense appropriation can’t be more than __% of total appropriation’s for operating purposes
Appropriation CAP
pg. 6-20
2.5% of previous yr final approp. or the municipal price deflator index, which ever is less. Can have 3.5% if pass ordinance. Can bank for up to 2 yrs diff b/w final appropr. subject to cap and 3.5%
Exceptions to CAP
Capital Expenditures, Debt Services, RUT, Deferred Charges, Grants, emergency temp appropriations
Public Hearing on Ammendment if:
- Increase or decrease any item of appropriation > 10%
- Increase amount to be raised by 5%
- Add new appropriation > 1% of total Approp
Adoption of Budget Vote
Majority of the full membership.
Not officially adopted w/out cert of approval by director
Filed w/ county bd of taxation
Items on Budget Standardized Worksheet
- S and W
- OE
- Budget Info Sheet
- Budget Recapitulation Sheet
Temporary Budget
Adopted by resolution w/in 1st 30 days of CY
Total approp. must not exceed 26.25% of PY total budget approp (-) debt service, CIF, & public assistance