Buddhism Beliefs and Practices Flashcards
In which country is Pure Land Buddhism the most commonly practised form of Buddhism
What word is used to describe an enlightened person who chooses to remain in samsara?
What is dependent arising?
Dependent arising is the idea that everything happens depending on certain conditions.
What is Dhamma(Dharma)?
Dhamma (Dharma) is the Buddhist doctrine that includes the teaching of the Buddha about the nature of existence
Give three examples of the five aggregates.
The Five Aggregates are form, mental formation, perception, consciousness and sensation.
What is anicca?
Anicca means impermanence and encourages Buddhists to accept death and suffering as part of life. The cycle of birth, life death and rebirth is called samsara.
Explain what is meant by Buddhahood
Buddha-nature is the idea that everyone can attain Buddhahood. Mahayana Buddhists believe that everyone has the essence of a Buddha within them.
Explain what the concept of Dukkha means for Buddhists
Dukkha is the belief that there are three types of suffering, as part of the Three Marks of Existence. The three types are ordinary suffering, suffering through change and suffering through dissatisfaction or attachment.
What is samsara?
Samsara is the Buddhist belief in the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth.
Which type of Buddhists attempt to become Bodhisattvas?
Mahayana Buddhists
Which word describes the Buddhist belief that the soul doesn’t have a physical existence?
List three events that happen in the Buddhas life
He grew up in a life of luxury as the son of a Queen. He was inspired to leave this life by the Four Sights.
After this he lived an ascetic life of self-denial and pain but wasn’t able to become enlightened so left it for the Middle Way between pain and luxury.
Give three of the four noble truths
- There is suffering»_space; 2. Suffering has a cause»_space; 3. Suffering can come to an end»_space; 4. There is a way to end suffering.
List the 3 poison
These are the three poisons, a pig, a snake and a cockerel, they represent ignorance, hatred and greed, Buddhist see these as the starting point of all human problems.
List three aspects of the eightfold path
Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right effort, Right mindfulness, Right concentration, Right understanding, Right intention
List four of the sights Siddhartha saw on his trip outside the palace.
An old man – everyone ages
An ill man – everyone becomes ill
A dead man – all things die
A holy man – the only answer to these problems
Explain the three marks of existence
The Three Marks of Existence are the fundamental Buddhist beliefs about the nature of human existence. They present a very different view of the world to Christianity. That suffering is inevitable, that everything is impermeant and that we have no fixed, immortal soul.
Name two types of Buddhism
Theravada, Mahayana,
what is meant by Arhat?
Theravada Buddhists aim to become an Arhat by following the Eightfold Path. An Arhat is a ‘perfected person’ who overcomes the main sources of suffering and reaches nirvana
List the three aspects of threefold way
Ethics(sila), Meditation (Samadhi) Wisdom (Panna)
Define Nirvana
A state of complete enlightenment which lies outside the cycle of samsara
What is meant by Asceticism?
A lifestyle of strict self-denial – rejected by Siddhartha for the Middle Way
What was the Buddhas birth name?
Siddhartha Gautama
Define Anatta
the idea of no self. We don’t have a fixed soul – there is no unchanging essence to us.
What is the term for the immaterial part of you that gets transferred from life to life.
What is the definition of puja?
Worship- it expresses gratitude and respect for the Buddha and his teachings.
What are two different types of meditation?
Samatha and Vipassana
Which type of worship involves reciting and repeating Buddhist scriptures?
Which type of statue is commonly used for meditation and can often be found as part of a shrine?
Rupa- A statue of Buddha used in worship and meditation
Give three of the six perfections in the Mahayanan traditions
· Generosity or giving (dana)
· Morality (sila)
· Patience (kshanti)
· Energy (virya)
· Meditation (samadhi)
· Wisdom (prajna)
What is Wesak?
A festival celebrating the life and teachings of Buddha
What name is given to a Buddhist monastery?
Explain one element of a Buddhist funeral?
Spend as little money as possible on funerals as they believe in reincarnation.
Sky Burial this reflects a belief in anicca.
Give three features of a shrine?
Rupa, Flowers, water, candles, incense, fruit, bell, book of teachings
Name a Buddhist festival?
Parinirvana Day
What is meant by a skilful act?
Actions that lead to good Karma.
What is the common name for a Buddhist place of worship?
A temple
Give three of the 5 moral precepts
- to abstain from taking life
- to abstain from taking what is not given
- to abstain from sexual misconduct
- to abstain from wrong speech
- to abstain from intoxicants
What is the purpose of Samatha mediation?
Breathing meditation focused on calming the mind and mindfulness.
Name the Three Jewels
• The Buddha • The Dhamma • The Sangha
Explain two contrasting aims of meditation.
Stillness, focus/ samatha meditation- mindfulness, breathing.
Insight, the three marks of existence.
Why are devotional rituals carried out?
For a Buddhist to show their devotion to the Buddha
What is the main purpose of a Buddhist temple?
A place for Buddhists to come together
What are Malas?
Beads used to help focus and count the number of times scripture is repeated
What is the main purpose of a Buddhist retreat?
They help them to practice meditation and remember the Buddha’s life.
Why do Buddhists use visualisation?
Buddhists use visualisation to deepen their meditation and their understanding of Buddhist teaching.
Why is Karma important in Buddhism?
it allows Buddhists to focus on their actions to move closer to enlightenment.
Why is chanting important?
Chanting is important because it enables focus in meditation.
Explain how the lay community contributes to the monastic community.
They provide alms. Donate money. By supporting the monastic community it means the monks do not have to work allowing them to focus on meditating.
Explain the concept of Karuna?
Karuna is compassion, a feeling of concern for the suffering of others. Buddhists should do something to make their lives better and ease suffering. One of the 4 sublime states.
Give two examples of how monks contribute to the community
to teach children how to read and write, the vihara acts as a school. Teaching skills such as farming and building. The vihara can also act as a bank. Monks teach dhamma and lead worship.