BUDDHISM Flashcards
How old is Buddhism?
2500 years old
How many adherents are there?
350 million worldwide
Who was the founder
Siddhartha Guatama in India
What do Buddhists not believe about God?
They do not believe in a creator God nor a personal God but are tolerant of those whose beliefs are different from theirs
What do Buddhists believe about change?
They believe that nothing is fixed or permanent - change is always possible
What were the sacred texts in Buddha’s time?
Buddhas teaching was oral - he taught for 45 years, adapting to suit the groups he was addressing (language he used is Magadhi). The Sangha memorised the teaching and did group recitations and festivals/special occasions. The teachings were rehearsed and authenticated at the First Council - handed down from generation to generation. The oral traditions continue today - Sangha cant texts at ceremonies - chanting is sacred act
What is the Pali Canon?
The teaching was written down at the Fourth Council in Sri Lanka in about 25 BCE in Pali. There are three setcions; Vinaya Pitaka, Sutta Pitaka, Abhidamma Pitaka. The Pali canon has been recited, checked and agreed at the Councils.
What is the Sanskrit Canon
Buddha advised monks to teach in the languages of the people - oral teaching continued in India in forms of oral Sanskrit. 4th council in India 1st century - teaching was written down in Sanskrit and known as the Sanskrit canon. It has same three sections as Pali Canon. It does not exist in complete form in India but does exist in Chinese, Japanese and Tibetan translations - sections have been found by archaeologists in central Asia.
What does the Vinaya Pitaka contain?
It contains 227 rules of conduct and discipline for the monastic life of monks and nuns. Gives rules, circumstances under the rule was promulgated and exceptions of the rule.
What does the Sutta Pitaka contain?
It consists of the main teachings of Dharma It involves conversations from Buddha and his teachings etc.
What does the Abhidamma Pitaka contain?
It consists of information on the nature of mind and matter.
What doesn’t Buddhism separate you from?
It doesn’t separate you from society/your family life
What are the 3 Jewels of Buddhism ?
- The Buddha: ideal that every Buddhist should follow and as existing in a dimension beyond this world
- Dharma: totality of Buddhist teachings about the world and how to live in it
- Sangha: community of monks and nuns
What are the 3 marks of existence?
- Anicca: impermanence, nothing is fixed, everything is changing
- Anatta: no permanent identity or self, existence is independent so when conditions change people also change
- Dukka: suffering, all life is suffering, would unable to satisfy peoples desires
What are the 4 noble truths?
- Dukkha: all life is suffering, life permeated by pain, illness etc. Doesn’t suggest that people never have happy experiences or are in constant paint. Importance of life being transient.
- Tanha: origin of suffering, grasping for things one doesn’t posses (wealth, materialism) leads to inner emptiness
- Niroda: cessation or end of suffering, Buddha suggests that ending Dukkha leads to Nirvana - state of happiness (there is still pain but one responds in an enlightened way)
- Magga: middle way, achieved by the 8 fold path. The steps and features of a Buddhist life
What is the eightfold path?
It is a guideline for followers (as opposed to authoritative as is in Western religions)
- Right thought: intention to follow Buddhas teachings
- Right understanding: understanding of life (first 3 NT)
- Right speech: avoiding harmful speech
- Right conduct: using actions not causing harm or lead one away from liberation
- Right livelihood: working to benefit others
- Right effort: preventing negative thoughts or cravings to create a healthy state of mind
- Right mindfulness: Focusing on the mind and becoming more self aware (emotions, actions etc.)
- Right concentration: enables people to develop living kindness into the truths of life = ultimate goal of Nirvana