Buddhism Flashcards
Buddhism Terms
“Large Vehicle” branch of Buddhism in Northern and Eastern Asia.
Usually translated as “tradition of the elders,” but more accurately means “original/abiding teaching”
Enlightened person; although Gautama is “the Buddha,” the term applies to all individuals who attain this state.
“Community” of Buddhist monks and nuns.
Middle Path
Style of life between extreme self-denial and ordinary, indulgent life, which can lead to enlightenment.
Person who comes very close to achieving full Buddha nature (nirvana) but postpones it for the sake of helping others achieve it.
Zen riddle meant to induce non-rational enlightenment.
Dharma (Dhamma)
“Law, teaching” of Buddhism.
“Blowing out, extinction” of desire, attachment, and suffering.
Law of the cause and effect of actions done by sentient (with senses) beings.
“Wandering” through endless reincarnations, a main cause of human suffering.
Four Noble Truths
Basic teaching of Buddhism that (1) all is suffering, (2) suffering is caused by desire, (3) to end desire is to end suffering, and (4) to end desire one much follow the Noble Eightfold Path.
Eightfold Way
Right understanding, intention, speech, conduct, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, and contemplation.
Dalai Lama
“Ocean of Wisdom”
The Five Skandhas
(1) form (2) feeling (3) cognition (4) formations (5) consciousness
Gautama (Sidhatha)
The Supreme Buddha
The total state of focus that incorporates a total togetherness of body and mind.
The thirst that leads to attachment.
Buddhist Church of America
Established in San. Francisco 9-1-1899; there are about 60 churches & 40 branch churches.
Tibetan Buddhism
A religion in exile, forced from its homeland when Tibet was conquered by the Chinese.
The doctrine asserting the nonexistence of a personal and immortal soul.
The principle of life.
Deer Park Sermon
The sermon of the Buddha.