Buddhism Flashcards
Right view
Seeing things as they really are, not how you think they are
Right intention
Being able to meditate without losing concentration
Right mindfulness
Being aware of your thoughts and actions, eliminating cruel or negative thoughts
Right action
Doing good for the world and doing the right thing
Right livelihood
Earning a living without hurting others - humans or animals
Right effort
Working hard to understand truth, constantly trying to be the best person you can be
Right concentration
Being charitable - not greedy, giving up material possessions
Therevada goal
Become a Buddha
Mahayana goal
Salvation for all through self sacrifice of an enlightened few
Zen goal
Seeks sudden enlightenment, arrives through emptiness
Tibetan goal
Wisdom =
1) embracing impermanence
2) without self
3) all things unsatisfactory
Ignorance —> ? —-> ?
Desires, karmic action
How do you get rid of ignorance?
Noble truth #1 - there is suffering in this world
Tanha (noble truth #2)
The cause of suffering is self centered desire and attachments
Noble truth #3
The way to get rid of suffering is to eliminate desires and attachments
Noble truth #4
To reach nirvana, one must follow the Eightfold Path
Three jewels of Buddhism
Buddha, the teacher
Dharma, the teachings
Sangha, the community
Things that make up what we call our “self”
Five features of Buddhism
Psychological Non-theistic Direct experience "The Middle Way" - avoiding extremes Practical concern: remove suffering
Right speech
Being honest in everyday life, not gossiping, lying or saying cruel things