Buddha Story Flashcards
ruse (n)
Su muu meo
deceive (v)
Lua doi, ngoai tinh
Bo doi, doan quan
witnesses (n) wit nes ses
Nhan chung
accumulate (v)
tich tru, chua chat
merit (n) me rit
Cong duc, xung dang
dusk (n)
Hoang hon
recollect (v) re col lect
Hoi tuong, nho lai
defilements (n) de fi le ments
Phien nao
destruction (n) des truc tion
Su pha huy
liberation (n) li be ra tion
su giai thoat, su tra tu do
gaze at (v)
Nhin cham cham vao…
contemplated (v past) con tem pla ted
Chiem nghiem
profound (adj) pro found
Uyen tham, sau sac
recluse (adj) re cluse
an dat, o an
infatuation (n) in fa tu a tion
Tinh say me
humiliate (v) hu mi li ate
Lam nhuc
ensnare (v) en snare
Lam say dam, cam do
sensuality (n) sen su al li ty
Nhuc duc
The bond (n )
Moi rang buoc
entangle (v) en tan gle
tro ngai, vuong vao
utterly (adv) ut ter ly
Hoan toan
satisfaction (n) sa tis fac tion
Su thoa man
tease (v) tea se
Treu choc
enamoured (adj) e na mour ed
Say dam
wield (v) wiel d
Van dung, su dung
coil (v) coi l
Cuon tron
subside (v) sub side
Dong can, chim xuong
homage (n)
Su kinh trong, ton kinh
seclusion (n) se clu sion
Su an dat, su o an
eradication (n) e ra di ca tion
Su diet tru, nho re
conceit (n) con cei t
Tanh tu cao
merchant (n) mer chant
Nguoi buon ban
alms bowl (n)
Bat khat thuc
Take refuge in three jewels
Nuong tua vao 3 mon bau
honour (v)
Ton kinh
revere (v) re vere
Ton kinh
subtle (adj) su b tle
Tinh te
ordinary (adj) or di na ry
Binh thuong, tam thuong
got fed up (v)
da~ chan’
busyness (n) bu sy ness
Viec ban ron
entourage (n) en tou rage
Tuy tung
stubborn (adj) - stub born
Buong binh
Intractable (adj) in trac ta ble
Bat tri
dispute (n) dis pute
Gay nhau
Be fed up with (v)
Chan ngan
disobedient (adj) di so be di ent
Ngo nghich, khong vang loi
Food offerings (n)
Do an cung duong
admonition (n) ad mo ni tion
Loi khuyen nhu, loi khuyen bao
reside (v) re side
O lai, cu tru tai
Monastery (n) mo nas tery
Tu vien
Venerable (adj) ve ne ra ble
Dang kinh
graciously (adv) gra ci ous ly
Tu bi
You may put your minds at ease.
Ban co the dat tam tri cua ban thoai mai.
Elephan palileyyaka
It will be there unlikely
No se khong co kha nang xay ra.
swiftly ( adv) swif tly
Nhanh chong
Outlaw (n) ke ngoai vong phap luat
This outlaw does not kill with malicious intent.
malicious intent - muc dich xau
This outlaw does not kill with malicious intent.