Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang ( Sp/St def unable to raise clear , qi def fever, sinking of MB qi) Flashcards
abd pain
zhi Gan cao increase
bai shao
pronounced aversion to cold
rou gui
pronounced HA
Man JIng zi
if it beocmes severe add
chuan xiong
HA at the vertex or pain inside the head
Gao ben
severe pain
xi xin
generalized pain or sensation of heaviness in body
(both dt damp ) combine with Wu Ling San ( water buildup , Sp qi def , acc of thin fluids in lower extermities ) ,
remove Gui ZHi
Diarrhea dt excessive deliberation
Mu xiang
Vertigo n Ha
chuang xiong
zhi ban xia
Tinnitus n diminished visual acuity or double vision
Gou zi qi
chuan xiong
recurrent miscarriage
Du zhong
Tu SI Zi
cang zhu
huang bai
cang zhu
huang bai
abd distenstion
hou po
zhi shi
mu xiang
sha ren
bulging disordres
xiao Hui xiang
li zhi he
constipation dt sp def
add honey
sesame oil
painful urinary diffiuclty in elderly dt sunken yang qi
ze xie
mu tong
premensural diahrea
pao jiang
huang lian
enuresis in childern
sang piao xiao
yi zhi ren
chronic rhinitis
cang er zi
Xin Yi Hua
corneal ulcers
Gu Jing Cao
Jue Ming zi
shan Yao