Brushing Up Some Basics Flashcards
___________ handles lifecycle of the servlets
CATALINA (In specific to Servlet and JASPER as JSP Engine)
We use ________ to store JSON object in our browser
localStorage( Use setItem() and getItem() to store and retrieve data)
The request URL is also called as __________
End Point URL (in context of Rest API)
Track your request’s hops via servers using _______
Tracert (tracert domain_name)
Package responsible for HTTP handling and implementation
HttpServlet ____________ GenricServlet
Extends (GenericServlet implements Servlet)
A one stop storage for saving data in the server that can be shared across application ,for a single user
HttpSession (getAttribute() and setAttribute() to store and retrieve; and invalidate() to destruct the session)
Hibernate State at which object is still associated with session
While working with Input and OutputStreams, use __________ to prevent memory leakage
try(with resources)
Trying some new code snippets? Always use _______
try-catch block to save your application from crashing due to unhandled exception
It isn’t a maven project, if it doesn’t have_____
pom.xml (Project Object Model)
Heart of our project when it comes to resources________
BuildPath where all our source files, external resources and libraries
Assigning strings in JS? Use ____ to make it easier
BackTick ( ` ) Supports single and double quotes as a part of string without escape sequence